Meet & Greet; CASNR's annual Ag Fest sets stage for successful fall semester
By: Norman Martin
Under scattered clouds and temperatures easing into the low-nineties, members of Texas Techs College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources' Dr. Bill Bennett Student Success Center hosted their annual Ag Fest on Thursday (Aug. 26) at the Department of Animal and Food Sciences' Livestock Arena.
Numerous student organizations within CASNR were represented, as well as having an opportunity to speak with college guests and representatives. The program was accompanied by a live country-and-western singer, and hamburger and chips dinner.
Members of CASNR's administration leadership team on hand included Cindy Akers, Interim Dean; Chance Brooks, Interim Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs; and Christy Bratcher, Associate Dean for Research.
In addition, members of CASNR's Student Success Center there were Shelbey Havens, College Recruiter; Stephanie Legako, Unit Manager for Student Retention; and Sandra Addo, Administrator for Diversity & Graduate Student Recruitment. Also appearing were Ag Council leaders for 2021-2022: Cason Lutrick, president; Ty Mitchell, vice president; and Kallie Childress, scribe.
CONTACT: Cindy Akers, Interim Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2808 or
Davis College NewsCenter
P.O. Box 42123, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123, Dean's Office Location:Goddard Building, Room 108 -
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