Texas Tech University

ACS Outstanding Graduating Senior Award

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Outstanding Graduating Senior Award recognizes a graduating senior B.S. chemistry or biochemistry major who has demonstrated excellence throughout their entire academic career at Texas Tech University. The award is sponsored by the South Plains Section of the ACS.

ACS Outstanding Graduating Senior Award Winners

Year Awarded Recipient
2024 Jeremy Lawrence
2023 Minh Tu Hoang
2022 Catherine Agarwal
2021 Aldo Hernandez
2020 Cecilia R. Smith
2019 Stephan B. Azatian
2018 Amanda C. Miller
2017 Holden R. Fried
2016 Belinda Pacheco
2015 Ashleigh D. Smith
2014 Kimberly E. Lundberg
2013 Daniel Stroud
2013 Jennifer Kennemur
2012 Eileen C. Judkins
2011 Chizaram A. Nwogwugwu
2010 Ruiyang Jiang
2009 Nicholas B. Bergfeld
2008 Preston A. May
2007 Geneva Peterson
2006 Irin Tanaudommongkon
2006 Asama Tanaudommongkon
2006 Colin Jennings
2005 Katrina Petney
2005 Mandy Geryk
2004 Joanna Schmidt
2003 April Nesbit

Selection Procedure

Although a high GPA is one of the criteria used in determining the outstanding graduating senior, it is not the only criterion. In the evaluation of the candidates for this award, the Awards Committee also takes into consideration the number of advanced courses in chemistry or biochemistry taken, undergraduate research, attendance at conferences to present a paper either as a poster or talk, publication of a paper in a peer-reviewed journal, participation in the American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACS-SA) and / or the ASBMB (American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) Student Affiliates, and service to the department.

So a candidate with a very good GPA who demonstrates excellence in several of these other areas will be considered more favorably than the candidate with the highest GPA but who has not demonstrated excellence in these other areas. Faculty members are encouraged to submit nomination letters for students for this award. The nomination letter should highlight the student's achievements in the areas mentioned above. Letters should be sent to Edward Quitevis, Chair, Awards Committee. The deadline for nomination letters is March 1.

The winner of this award will receive a $100 prize and a plaque at the ACS South Plains Section Awards Banquet in mid April. The student will also be honored at the Departmental Awards Ceremony in late April or early May and by a nameplate on the ACS Outstanding Graduating Senior Award plaque in the “Strive for Honor” display case on the second floor foyer.

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

  • Address

    1204 Boston Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-1061
  • Phone
