Texas Tech University

Rigaku MiniFlex II

The Rigaku MiniFlex II powder diffractometer was originally purchased in 2009 and was upgraded to its current configuration in 2019. The instrument uses CuKα radiation in Bragg-Brentano geometry, a six sample changer, and Rigaku's D/teX Ultra 1D silicon strip detector. The bench top instrument is ideal for quick data collections of powder samples ranging from simple oxides to complex organic compounds. Data can be collected for users, or trained users may collect their own data. Within the facility, users have access to the ICDD's PDF4+ and PDF4+ Organic databases for sample identification.

Rigaku Miniflex ii

Before contacting the X-ray facility about being trained to use either the Ultima III or MiniFlex II instrument, please complete the radiation safety training hosted by TTU EHS.

For more information or about possible training, please contact Dr. Serhii Vasylevskyi at serhii.vasylevskyi@ttu.edu

Here are a couple examples of a powder patterns collected in the facility.

Soil sample (200mg sample, 45min data collection)Soil sample (200mg sample, 45min data collection)

Al/Zr oxide material (<2mg sample, 60min data collection)Al/Zr oxide material (<2mg sample, 60min data collection)

Undergrad sample from Organic lab (5-10mg, 10min data collection)Undergrad sample from Organic lab (5-10mg, 10min data collection)

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

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    1204 Boston Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-1061
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