Texas Tech University

ITP 2023


The 29th International Symposium on Electro- and  Liquid Phase Separation Techniques was held in San Felice Circeo, Latina, Italy between the 13th and 17th of September in 2023. The symposium was hosted by Dr. Alessandra Gentilli, along with the assistance of a vast science and organizational committee.

As always the symposium addressed the latest developments and advances in separation sciences, with emphasis on clinical, food, environmental and pharmeceutical analysis.

Special Topics
  • All electromigration techniques in capillary or microchip format and Capillary Electrophoresis
  • Liquid Chromatography and Chiral Separations
  • Sample Prep

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About San Felice Circeo 

San Felice Circeo, Latina, Italy

San Felice Circeo is a small village still enclosed in its ancient roman walls, with ancient origins. It is one of the classic seaside villages with breathtaking views and the Mediterranean scent that you breathe in its alleys of white houses. But the Mediterranean one is certainly not the only scent we smell. Among the streets of San Felice Circeo there is also a scent of mystery, myth and legend, which cannot fail to remind us of Ulysses (the Latin name of the cunning Greek hero, king of Ithaca). In the Odyssey, Homer tells how Odysseus, and his companions disembark in the island of Aeaea, where they fall victims of an evil spell by the sorceress Circe.  Homer narrates of a wonderful and wild land, referring to San Felice Circeo and its surroundings.  To this day, the profile of the sorceress Circe would be visible in the silhouette of the mountain. 

And so, captured by this mythical atmosphere, we will go to discover what to see in San Felice Circeo, letting ourselves be seduced by its magic. The village of San Felice Circeo is located on the homonymous mountain, Circeo mountain, a small promontory that rises in the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. We are in Lazio, in the center of the most significant promontory of the province of Latina, from which is only 20 km and worth a visit, especially if you are in the agro-pontine area. 

San Felice Circeo, like the whole promontory, is inserted within the Circeo National Park, one of the most heterogeneous parks that we have in Italy and that preserves intact four natural reserves, dunes, flora and fauna with a typically Mediterranean character. There are many activities and events that take place within the park. Paths to follow, trekking, canoeing, guided tours, theme trails and much more. A real paradise for nature lovers. 

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On Sunday, September 17th 2023, at 11.15 the Conference Hall will  award the best oral and poster presentation by young scientists (under 35 years  age). The prizes include: 

  • 250,00 € sponsored by C4T S.r.l. (“Colosseum Combinatorial Chemistry - Centre of  Technology") for the best ranked oral presentation 
  • 150,00 € sponsored by C4T S.r.l. for the second ranked oral presentation
  • 150,00 € sponsored by Electrophoresis (Wiley) for the third ranked oral presentation;
  • 2 vouchers sponsored by Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Springer), each of the value of 150,00 €, for the purchase of books published by Springer, for the two best posters.


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Social Events

Sept. 13 - Wecome cocktail and musical concertgray lineSept. 14 - Guided tour of the historic center of San Felice Circeogray lineSept. 15 - Street food on the beach. Kiosks with typical products. Beach stations to make "pasta alla Carbonara"gray lineSept. 16 - Half-day trip to Ninfa Gardens and Fossanova Abbeygray lineSept. 16 - Social dinner at the congress venue by the pool.gray lineSept.17 - Farewell Drink by the pool
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Prof. Antonio Di Corcia

Prof. Antonio Di Corcia

Belonging to the Roman School of Chromatography, Prof. Antonio Di Corcia, was a full professor of Analytycal Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome. 

He was an innovator in the field of gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and sample preparation. He studied and applied different types of graphitized carbon blacks, today known under the commercial names of Carbopack, Envicarb, Carbograph. Groundbreaking was also his work on endocrine disruption and the environmental fate of nonionic surfacatants.

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Committee Members

Conference Chairwoman Prof.Alessandra Gentilli
Scientific Committee

Bezhan Chankvetadze (Tbilisi, Georgia)*

David Chen (Vancouver, Canada)*

Alejandro Cifuentes (Madrid, Spain)*

Ziad El Rassi (Stillwater, USA)* 

Chiara Fanali (Rome, Italy) 

Salvatore Fanali (Verona, Italy)* 

František Foret (Brno, Czech Republic)* 

Organizing Committee

Bezhan Chankvetadze (Tbilisi, Georgia) Salvatore Fanali (Verona, Italy) 

Lorenzo Antonelli (Rome, Italy) 

Giuseppe Antonelli (Rome, Italy) 

Alessandro Antonelli (Rome, Italy) Viviana Chiappini (Rome, Italy) 

Chiara Dal Bosco (Rome, Italy) 

Massimo Giuseppe De Cesaris (Rome, Italy)

Giovanni D'Orazio (Rome, Italy) 

Carlos D. García (Clemson, SC, USA)*

Bohuslav Gaš (Prague, Czech Republic)*

Václav Kašička (Prague, Czech Republic)*

Blanca Lapizco-Encinas (Rochester, USA)*

Koji Otsuka (Kyoto, Japan)* 

Marja-Liisa Riekkola (Helsinki, Finland)*

Marina Tavares (Sao Paulo, Brazil)* 

Riccardo De Santo (Rome, Italy) 

Chiara Fanali (Rome, Italy) 

Nina Felli (Rome, Italy) 

Maria Chiara Frondaroli (Rome, Italy) Elena Lucci (Rome, Italy) 

Angelica Martinoli (Rome, Italy) 

Javier González-Sálamo (Tenerife, Spain) Manuel Sergi (Rome, Italy)

* permanent members 

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ITP2023 Sponsors

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

  • Address

    1204 Boston Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-1061
  • Phone
