Texas Tech University

Spanish Advising FAQ

Am I required to take a foreign language?

A student’s foreign language requirement is determined by their college and major. If your major is not within the College of Arts & Sciences, consult your major advisor for the answer that pertains to you.

If your major is within the College of Arts & Sciences and your catalog year is 2016- 2017 or prior, you are required to complete through the sophomore level (2302) of a single foreign language. Starting with the catalog year 2017-2018, Bachelor of Science students within the College of Arts & Sciences will be required to complete through 2301 of a single foreign language.


Can I test out of Spanish?

Academic Testing Services offers the CLEP test, which can be taken to potentially test out of (and receive credit for) SPAN 1501, SPAN 1502, SPAN 2301, and SPAN 2302. This test is available for other languages as well. More information about the CLEP test, please visit the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) page

Semester Credits: CLEP Score:
SPAN 1501 50
SPAN 1501 & 1502 55
SPAN 1501, 1502, & 2301 66
SPAN 1501, 1502, 2301, & 2302 68

Practice tests are available through Academic Testing Services. Location: West Hall Room 214, Phone: (806) 742-3671, e-mail: testing@ttu.edu

It is not possible to test out of junior or senior level Spanish courses.


Is there a Spanish placement test that does not cost money?

TTU’s Spanish Placement Exam (SPLEX) is now available. SPLEX is for placement only and does not award credit. For more information, please visit the following webpage.


All sections of lower-level Spanish are full or restricted. Will more sections become available?

New sections may be added occasionally based on funding and instructor availability. You may use this link to review available courses. Also, it is not uncommon for students to drop a course, especially at the beginning of the semester. CMLL does not maintain waitlists, but students can keep an eye out for an available seat.


Why am I receiving a ‘prereq. & test score’ error message when trying to register for SPAN 1507?

The prerequisite for SPAN 1507 is at least 2 years of high school Spanish. If you meet this requirement it needs to be coded in your Raiderlink account for you to be able to register for this class. If TTU already has your high school transcript on file, contact the Transfer Evaluation Office for assistance. If TTU does not have your high school transcript on file (this document is not an admissions requirement for transfer students), it will be necessary to request one to be sent to TTU. If you placed into SPAN 1507 after taking the Spanish Placement Exam and receive the ‘prereq. & test score’ error message, contact Stephanie Santos for assistance, stephanie.santos@ttu.edu


SPAN 1507, 1501 and 1502 meet for the same amount of time as a 3-credit hour course. Why do they count for 5 credit hours?

These courses have a significant online coursework component in addition to regular class meetings.


Why am I receiving a ‘class restriction’ error message when trying to register for SPAN 2301 (or SPAN 1507 or SPAN 2302)? I have taken the prerequisite!

If you are encountering a ‘Class Restriction’ error when trying to register for a class, please check that your selected section is not class-restricted (for example, ‘juniors & seniors only’). You can do this by visiting the Open Classes page. 


I have only taken 0-1 years of high school Spanish. Which Spanish class is right for me?

SPAN 1501 is for students who have taken 0-1 years of high school Spanish.


I transferred SPAN 1501 (or 1411) from another college. Which Spanish class is right for me?

SPAN 1502 is the course that follows SPAN 1501 (or 1411).


Can I take multiple freshmen or sophomore Spanish courses in the same semester?

No. SPAN 1501, SPAN 1502, SPAN 2301, and SPAN 2302 can only be taken sequentially.

Students who have taken at least 2 years of high school Spanish can start with SPAN 1507 and then proceed to SPAN 2301. For more information on registering for SPAN 1507, please refer to question the third question of this FAQ.


What is SPAN 2607?

SPAN 2607 is the equivalent of SPAN 2301 & 2302 combined into one course. The prerequisite is achieving at least a B in SPAN 1412/1502/1507/1607. SPAN 2607 is offered Fall, Spring and Summer semesters at the Lubbock campus. It is usually only available during the Summer at the TTU Seville center.


Does TTU offer online Spanish courses?

Yes. Currently we offer SPAN 1501,1502, 1507, 2301 and 2302 online.


I’m receiving an error message when trying to register for SPAN 3315 Communication Literacies for Heritage Speakers. What do I do?

Professor approval is required to register for all Spanish conversation classes. Please contact Dr. Paola Guerrero for approval to take SPAN 3315 (paola.guerrero@ttu.edu)


How can I declare Spanish as my minor or major? 

Schedule an advising meeting with Stephanie Santos using this link to declare Spanish as your minor or major.


Does the Department of Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures have any scholarships available? 

Check out our CMLL Scholarship Opportunities page!


How can I schedule an advising meeting for Spanish, Korean, Japanese, or Arabic? 

Advising meetings regarding Spanish, Korean, Japanese, or Arabic may be scheduled with Stephanie Santos using this link.


Questions about ASL, Chinese, Classics, French, German, Italian, or Russian?

Contact Carla Burrus for assistance, Carla.burrus@ttu.edu

Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures

  • Address

    CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
