Distinguished Engineer Citations

Cloyce A. Talbott
Distinguished Engineer
Petroleum Engineering – 1958
At Time of Nomination in 2002
Cloyce Talbott was born and raised in West Texas. He graduated from Texas Tech University with a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering in 1958 and went to work that same year for Standard Oil Company of Texas in Monahans, Texas. In 1962 he established Snyder Well Servicing, Inc. as President and co–owner. He went on to become involved in many large and complicated oil and gas exploration and production projects while building his well service into a drilling company. Snyder Well Servicing became Texas International and in 1978 Mr. Talbott co–founded Patterson Drilling Company, Inc. Patterson Drilling originally a relatively small land–based drilling company with approximately nine drilling rigs survived a downturn in the oil business that drove many of his competitors out of business. In 1993 Patterson Drilling went public and over the next six years, Mr. Talbott and his partner built their company into the second largest operator of land–based oil and natural gas drilling rigs in North America. In 2001 they merged with UTI Energy and became Patterson–UTI Energy with Cloyce as CEO. Patterson–UTI Energy now has over 300 drilling rigs and gross revenues and market capitalization exceeding one billion dollars. Cloyce Talbott has built a recognized reputation in the oil industry and on Wall Street.
Cloyce Talbott is a former board member of Western State Bank in Snyder and presently serves on the Parks and Recreation Committee for the City of Snyder, Texas. He was elected to the Petroleum Engineering Academy at Texas Tech in 1998. In 2000 he was given the Business of the Year Award by the Snyder Chamber of Commerce. The Rotary Club named Patterson–UTI Outstanding Business in 2001 for "Outstanding Service to Snyder." He is active in many community projects and coaches basketball for youth teams.
He is married to the former Anita Patterson and they live in Snyder. Together they have four children, Stacy Talbott Walker, Lisa Beck, Stanley Talbott and Steve Talbott (deceased). They also have eleven grandchildren.
Texas Tech University is honored and proud to name Cloyce A. Talbott as DISTINGUISHED ENGINEER.
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering
100 Engineering Center Box 43103 Lubbock, Texas 79409-3103 -
806.742.3451 -