Distinguished Engineer Citations

Lori Sisco Flansburg
Distinguished Engineer
B.S., Mechanical Engineering – 1978, 1984
At Time of Nomination in 2014
Lori Sisco Flansburg graduated from Caprock High School in Amarillo, Texas as the valedictorian in 1974. She then attended Texas Tech and earned a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering in 1978. Shortly after graduation, she joined Texas Instruments in Sherman, Texas, performing design engineering tasks to support the manufacture of ground support radar systems and laser guided missiles.
Returning to Texas Tech, she earned a Master of Science in mechanical engineering in 1984. Flansburg then worked for LTV Aerospace in Grand Prairie, Texas as the structural analysis lead for the design development of a major portion of the B-2 bomber responsible for schedule, budget, and technical performance of the stress analysis effort.
Flansburg joined Lockheed Martin Aeronautics in 1991. From 1991 through 1999, she was the F-22 Forward Fuselage Stress Technical Lead, responsible for the technical integrity of the Forward Fuselage Airframe. She supervised up to 28 other stress engineers to provide analysis support for development, drawing release and loads calibration testing of the F-22 forward fuselage. She also was the interface between the Forward Fuselage Analysis Team and other analysis organizations such as durability and damage tolerance, external loads, vibroacoustics, finite element models, and thermal analysis to ensure these engineering groups adequately supported the drawing review and release cycle.
Flansburg is currently a Lockheed Martin Fellow at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics in Marietta, Georgia, where she has responsibility as the technical coordinator for the Lockheed Martin Analysis Process manuals that consist of 10 analysis manuals on various structural analysis topics used by engineers throughout aeronautics. She is also responsible for the development of the Structural Analysis technical training curriculum and course materials. She personally teaches a number of technical training classes each year.
As a Lockheed Martin Fellow, Flansburg also consults on various programs across the Lockheed Martin Corporation, performs technical reviews, and provides share sessions in her field of expertise for the LM Mechanical Engineering Community of Practice.
Flansburg lives with her husband in Canton, Georgia where they have built a backyard observatory allowing them to share their mutual interest in astronomy and astrophotography.
She is a member of the MMPDS (Metallic Material Properties Development and Standardization) coordination committee. This body develops statistically based material properties, published under the authority of the Federal Aviation Administration, used by the aircraft industry for the design of aircraft structure. She also participates on ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) committees and is a member of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) where she has served as a judge of papers for Student Competition for the Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. She also judges for SAE Aero Design EastTM a yearly worldwide competition among university students for the research and design of radio-controlled aircraft.
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering
100 Engineering Center Box 43103 Lubbock, Texas 79409-3103 -
806.742.3451 -