Texas Tech University

Electrochemical Society Triumph

Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering

October 23, 2023


Electrochemical Society Texas Tech Chapter Receives 2023 Chapters of Excellence

The President of the Texas Tech Chapter of the Electrochemical Society, Nathan Wilson, shares his perspective on the society and the profound meaning of winning the Chapters of Excellence award to him.

What is your major and what classification are you? (Junior, Senior, etc.)

I am a Chemical Engineering PhD Candidate (graduate/PhD student).

Tell me about ECS and what kind of stuff you do in the organization/society? 

Our student chapter is a part of an international professional organization established in 1902, boasting a membership that includes luminaries such as Thomas Edison and the co-winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This organization serves as a diverse hub for individuals and ideas spanning various disciplines related to electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering. From organizing conferences to championing advancements in the realm of lithium-ion batteries, the organization is dedicated to cultivating the interest of students and young professionals in this field. Our student chapter, in turn, plays a vital role by hosting informative meetings and lectures, engaging in local community outreach through volunteering, and enabling students to present their individual research on electrochemical topics at various locations across the country.

Tell me about the award and how many participants are there? 

There are three student chapters recognized each year by the international organization as either "chapters of excellence" or as an "outstanding chapter" out of 132 student chapters from 29 different countries. 

What was your reaction when they said you won?

I'm absolutely thrilled and filled with pride for the dedicated efforts our team has invested in earning this award.

Is this the first time Texas Tech won first place in this? If so, how does that make you and your team feel? 

Our student chapter started operating at Texas Tech around 2019, but it only gained official recognition as a student organization within the past year. This marks our inaugural win of this award, which makes the achievement even more significant.

What kind of opportunities does this open for your organization? 

Receiving this award has opened up numerous avenues for us to further promote our work, facilitated by the opportunities presented by the Electrochemical Society. It serves as a valuable guide, highlighting the areas we should maintain our focus on as we strive to secure the "Outstanding Chapter" award in the coming year.

The tagline for Texas Tech is “From Here, It's Possible”. How does that tagline resonate with you now that you've won this award and where do you envision the organization going from here? 

The ECS at TTU truly encapsulates the essence of the "From Here, It's Possible" tagline in a multitude of ways. We actively enable our students to spread their groundbreaking research on a national scale, with aspirations of expanding our reach internationally. Our strong industry connections and the success stories of former members who have secured top-tier electrochemistry-related positions across diverse fields exemplify the limitless potential we provide. Furthermore, having Dr. Gerri Botte, the President of the international ECS organization, as one of our PIs and professors at Texas Tech, serves as a compelling testament to the heights a student can attain and the accomplishments they can achieve.