Texas Tech University

Texas Tech Names Matador Award Recipient

Lacy Oliver

Jennifer Erdmann Receives The Matador Award for Outstanding Service in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas Tech

We are proud to share that Jennifer Erdmann, academic administrative coordinator from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been selected to receive the The Matador Award, one of the Texas Tech Distinguished Staff Awards. 

"I am deeply appreciative of my department, and for Dr. Karp and Dr. Li’s time and effort in lifting their colleagues up for recognition. I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards our students, who accepted me when I was new to Texas Tech, and have remained tenacious partners in continuing to develop the Electrical & Computer Engineering graduate program," said Jenny Erdmann. "Their engagement was instrumental to the success of the initiatives Dr. Bernussi and I have implemented over the last two years, and we are thankful for their support."

This award recognizes a newcomer with one to three years of service with Texas Tech University who has made significant contributions and shared innovative ideas with the department and the Texas Tech Community.

Congratulations Jenny!