Registration FAQ
Where do I register?
Log in to Raiderlink ( using your eRaider username and password. Navigate to the TTU MyTech tab. Under Manage my Enrollment, select Registration.
When can I register? Or, what is my eligible registration date?
The Advance Registration period happens twice a year: April and November. In April we register for both summer terms as well as the Fall. In November students register for their spring classes. In general the dates may be found in the Academic Calendar. Always use the Detailed version, but realize that students are turned on in groups based on your status or Earned Hours. See the question below.
To find out your specific day for registration log into Raiderlink and click on the file tab entitled “MyTech (for students)" just under the black bar.In the Registration box choose “Registration Status”. The Registration Status link is updated twice a year about the time the schedule goes live for Advance Registration.The University waits about 6 weeks in order for transfer and entering freshmen to get all their credits posted and so the registration dates (which are based on Earned Hours) are as accurate as possible. The schedule normally becomes visible early in the month prior to the registration period. Since we register twice a year (April and November), the University tries to make the next semester(s) schedule(s) available to you early in the month before (March and October).Check the Registration Status link once the schedule goes live in early March or October.
How do I pick classes for the upcoming semester?
There are several tools available on Raiderlink to help you – DegreeWorks, Section Search Tool, and Schedule Builder.
First, you need to look at DegreeWorks under Manage My Enrollmentand Registration. DegreeWorks lists your GPA, expected graduation date, your college, major, minor, catalog year, credit hours earned, and it lists all of your required classes per your degree plan. This will help you get a better idea of class options for the upcoming semester.
Next, you will want to use Section Search Tool or Schedule Builder to look up specific classes. Both of these tools are under Manage My Enrollment and Registration.
Section Search Tool allows you to search classes by term, campus, and subject. It lists all of the available classes including seats available, time/location of the class, and the CRN.
If you prefer a visual representation of your weekly schedule, Schedule Builder is the better option. You need to select the current term, Lubbock TTU campus, and then you can add specific classes to your schedule by class title.
Be sure to write down all the CRNs you will need for registration. CRNs are the 5-digit number associated with every class. You need these to register for the specific class and section you want.
What is my status? Or, do I register according to the hours I've completed so far, or are the ones I'm taking now added in?
Your eligible registration date is established when the University runs a program and the computer scans your earned hours. The hours you are currently enrolled in are attempted hours so will not be earned until the grades are posted. The chart below will help you establish your status based on your Earned Hours.
- Freshman: 0-29 hours
- Sophomore: 30-59 hours
- Junior: 60-89 hour
- Senior: 90 hours until completion
Will someone tell me when it is time to pre-register or time for Advanced Registration?
Normally no one will remind you that Advance Registration is coming up or has begun, but there are general announcements made via TechAnnounce. Occasionally the advisor has other information that needs to be communicated and so will send out a letter and include this information as well. but you are responsible for looking at the Tech calendar and marking those dates onto your planner/calendar and keeping up with this information yourself.
Do I have to go to my advisor before I can register?
The English/Philosophy advisor does not require once-a-semester visits although other advisors often do. The English\Philosophy advisor helps you plan for graduation by teaching you how to use a number of worksheets and handouts that will help you plan for completion of the College of Arts & Sciences requirements. So having taught you how to make a plan, he/she expects you to revise or recreate the plan. Holds, therefore, are not automatically placed each time Advance Registration time approaches. This can empower you to take charge of your academic career, but you need never feel without resources. All of your advisors can be approached whenever you have questions or concerns that relate to their area of expertise. This advising practice normally allows for more quality time during advisement sessions that each student schedules whenever he/she feels it is needed.
Students sometimes find that they cannot register because they have a "hold". There are several types of holds, but registration holds (those that block a student's ability to add and drop classes) are the ones most frequently encountered. These are placed by various agencies on campus for various reasons so students must be vigilant in checking for these. I would suggest checking for holds once a month, around the 15th would be good. The earlier you find out about a hold, the more time you have to clear that block. You check your holds by using the "View Holds" link in either the Student Services or the Student Account box on MyTech in Raiderlink. You will need to read each of the boxes or columns and the message(s) entered in each. ONLY the Originator of the Hold can unblock you.
Error Messages
Be sure to read the specific error you receive while registering. Here is a list of common errors:
ENGL 1301/1302 Errors: Email Dr. Monica Norris (
Prerequisite errors
A prerequisite is class or score you need to meet before you can take a class. There are a couple of ways to look up what the prerequisites (prereqs) are for a class:
- Find course descriptions for individual classes in the TTU course catalog
- On DegreeWorks, clicking on class options for each requirement takes you to a catalog description, which lists the prereqs.
If you believe you have met the prereqs required for a class, double-check your DegreeWorks and records. For instance, if you should have AP or SAT course credit, and it is does not appear to be in the system, send those scores to TTU again. If you took a prereq class at another institution, and it is not showing up on your records, send your transcript from that institution to TTU again. If everything on your end looks fine, and you are still receiving an error, contact an advisor in that class department.
Link errors
Some large classes or lecture sections require that you also sign up for a discussion section. Some science lectures require accompanying labs. Sometimes it's difficult to know what is linked to what. Again, there is a link at the top of the Add/Drop page that will get you to the Linked Section Search Tool. Follow the directions, in order, at the top of that page. After you follow the directions, the tiny plus signs to the left in the resulting box need to be clicked on to give you what is linked to what.
NOTE: Astronomy links are in a class of their own and the Linked Section Search Tool won't really give you everything you need. Like with all sciences you need a lecture and a lab so look at the section numbers. Lectures are usually 001, 002, etc. and labs are usually 500 something. Well, the Astronomy classes also have a 700 series that ALSO have to be selected. In other words, instead of only two sections, for the Astronomy classes, you need three sections linked together.
There are various restrictions, so read carefully. Campus restrictions usually apply to online or distance courses. These can be temporary, but if you want an exact date as to when the restriction will be lifted, contact the department offering the class. College or major restrictions restrict sections to certain majors or colleges. These may or may not be temporary. Contact the department offering the class.
Finding Distance Classes
You can search for distance classes only using Section Search Tool and selecting “Distance TTU” as the campus. If there is a specific meeting time listed, you will need to be on your computer during that time. If the time is TBA, then it is most likely self-paced. Keep in mind that not all distance courses are eligible for Lubbock campus students. There's no guarantee you can take distance courses if you are a local Lubbock student.
Department of English
P.O. Box 43091 Lubbock, TX 79409-3091 -
806.742.2501 -