ePAF (Electronic Personnel Action Form)
Use an ePAF transaction to make employment status changes–hire, separate, begin and end jobs, increase/decrease salaries, transfer, etc. To make funding changes that do not affect employment status, please use the Job Labor Distribution forms located on the Budget Office Website.
- ePAF Preparers must register for the All About Human Resources and ePAF (HREPAF01) class and will receive access upon completion of the class.
- ePAF Approvers are granted access by their organizational management who assign Human Resources security roles using the TEAM Application .
- EPAF Training Materials - Access training and resource materials that will assist ePAF preparers and approvers.
- EPAF Job Aids & EPAF Templates - Access more information about preparing ePAFs including actual templates for completing specific types of ePAFs.
- Assigning a Proxy - ePAF approvers can assign a temporary proxy to approve ePAF's in their absence.
EOPS (Employee One-Time Payment System)
Use an EOPS transaction to request a one-time payment that will not recur more than two times in a semester. Examples: Lump-sum payment, additional compensation, award payment, moving expense. In order to approve an EOPS, you must first be granted access by your organizational management. If you are already an ePAF approver, you are automatically an EOPS approver. Organization managers assign Human Resources Security roles to department employees by using the online TEAM Application .
EOPS and Approval Tracking System Training Guide - View instructions for using the EOPS and Approval Tracking System (ATS).
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -