Texas Tech University

Leave Without Pay


All employees, including exempt employees, may be placed on leave without pay (LWOP) if the employee is not at work for less than one day for personal reasons or because of illness or injury and accrued leave is not used by the employee because permission to use accrued leave was not sought or was denied or accrued leave has been exhausted.

Medical Leave Without Pay

An employee may be granted Medical LWOP after exhausting all accumulated paid leave entitlements and FMLA (if eligible).

Granted: Not to exceed 90 days.

Process: Approval of the employee's administrative officer and the Assistant Vice President of HR or his/her designee is required. If leave without pay is granted for a shorter, specific period of time, it may be extended, at the discretion of the employee's administrative officer and the approval of the managing director Human Resource Services, for a combined period of time not to exceed one year. In granting such leaves, the interests of the employing department and the university will be given priority consideration.

Other Leaves Without Pay

An employee may be granted leave without pay for reasons other than medical for a period not to exceed one year.

Granted: Not to exceed one year.

Process: Approval of the employee's administrative officer and the Assistant Vice President of Human Resource Services is required. If leave without pay is granted for a shorter, specific period of time, it may be extended, at the discretion of the employee's administrative officer and the approval of the Assistant Vice President of Human Resource Services, for a combined period of time not to exceed one year. In granting such leaves, the interests of the employing department and the university will be given priority consideration.

*Note to Managers/Supervisors: Departments MUST submit a Leave Without Pay form for employees going into LWOP. Failure to submit the LWOP form timely will result in charges to department for both the employee and state portion of the employee's insurance premiums. LWOP forms must be submitted the first day an employee goes into LWOP.

Benefits during Leave Without Pay

Employees on LWOP for a full calendar month or more (for purposes other than FMLA) will be responsible for both the employee and state portion of insurance premiums. For further questions regarding benefits and LWOP, please contact Payroll Services at 806-742-3211.

FMLA and Leave Without Pay

Employees will use sick and vacation leave accruals while on FMLA. Once all eligible sick leave, vacation leave, and sick leave pool (if awarded) have been exhausted the employee will go into leave without pay.

Texas Tech encourages employees on approved FMLA leave to continue health benefits at the same level and conditions during such unpaid leave. Texas Tech will continue employer contributions at the same level during such leave, provided any employee-paid premiums are kept current. For further information regarding FMLA refer to TTUS OP 70.01 Employee Leave.

Miscellaneous Leaves and Leave Without Pay

Employees in a LWOP status are not eligible for certain miscellaneous paid leaves. For further information regarding Miscellaneous Leaves, refer to TTUS OP 70.01 Employee Leave.

Return from Leave Without Pay

A Return from Leave Without Pay form will need to be submitted for any employee who was placed on any type of leave without pay status.

Holidays and Leave Without Pay

Official university holidays occurring during an employee's approved leave without pay will not be paid and will not interrupt the leave without pay status. For further information regarding Holiday pay, refer to TTUS OP 70.01 Employee Leave.