Foreign Employee

Texas Tech is a multicultural and multinational community providing a rich educational environment for all. Our international employees require special handling to assure timely and effective processing of required immigration documents to promote a smooth transition into university life.
New Employees
If the new employee is an alien authorized to work in the United States, the employee must be processed through the TTU Office of International Affairs (OIA) before the I-9/New Employee Packet can be verified and sent to Human Resources. Have the new employee complete the New Employee Packet, including the I-9 Form. Click here for New Employee Forms and Processing.
Complete the Offer of Employment to F1 Student. (Required only for F1 Students applying for a Social Security Number.)
Send the new F1 employee with their Offer of Employment letter, to the OIA office at: International Cultural Center, 601 Indiana Ave.
All payments made by Texas Tech University to an individual who is a nonresident alien must be in compliance with Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §1441 and Texas Tech OP 62.11. Click here for instructions to register the new nonresident employee with GLACIER (TTU's web-based nonresident tax compliance software). Tax Compliance Instructions
Additional questions concerning the impact of immigration on the hiring process can be addressed to the Director of International Student and Scholar Services, the International Scholars Counselor or the International Faculty Counselor at the Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Reverification Process
Aliens authorized to work in the United States must continue to keep their employment authorization active while working at Texas Tech.
A notice of employment authorization expiration is sent to the department 120 days prior to the I-9 expiration date.
If the employee will not continue to work beyond the I-9 expiration date, a Personnel Action Form (PAF) must be submitted to end employment.
If employment is to continue after the I-9 expiration date, coordinate with the OIA Immigration and Counseling Services at 806-742-3667 to aid and advise you and the employee in obtaining the needed documents to continue employment.
When the updated documents are obtained they must be presented to the Employment Services Coordinator (ESC).
Complete Section 3 of the I-9 Form and submit it along with copies of the extension documents to HR Compensation and Operations.
The new extension document may appear in two stages, an application for extension of status and the actual approval of the extension. In both stages, a reverification I-9 must be processed. Click here to open the document.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -