Texas Tech University

Join Our Team

Matthew, Dr. Weiser, and Adam at NCFR 2019

Graduate Students

We are accepting new graduate students to begin in Fall 2024. Prospective graduate students who are interested in how family experiences are associated with romantic relationships and sexual behaviors are encouraged to apply. The SHIFT research team also explores topics such as infidelity, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual violence. If interested, please email Dr. Weiser at dana.weiser@ttu.edu.

Undergraduate Students

We are currently accepting applications for undergraduate research assistant positions. It is preferred if students have taken HDFS 3390 (Research Methods) and either HDFS/WGS 3321 (Human Sexuality), HDFS 2322 (The Development of Intimate Relationships), or HDFS/WGS 2300 (Gender Development). If you are interested in working with us, please email your CV/resume to dana.weiser@ttu.edu.