Texas Tech University


Smitten LabSmitten LabSHIFT Lab TTUSmitten Lab

Studying Maturation, Interpersonal Transitions, Theory, and Emotions in Newlyweds



Research in the SMITTEN lab has focused on romantic relationship development in dating and married couples. We collect survey, interview, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data on a variety of topics related to relationship quality, such as attachment, commitment progression, sexuality, idealization, disillusionment, personality, trust, etc. Our largest longitudinal project collects courtship progression data in a sample of predominantly Hispanic newlyweds and follows their relationship years into marriage. To learn how to become a participant in current projects, please email us at hs.smitten@ttu.edu.

The SMITTEN lab encourages collaboration and mentorship among faculty, graduate, and undergraduate researchers. Our weekly research meetings are opportunities to monitor project progress and provide support for professional development.


Prospective Graduate Students