Texas Tech University


PR and Recruitment Student Assistant

Savannah Miller

Savannah Miller is a sophomore at the Rawls College of Business Administration pursuing a B.B.A. in management, with a concentration in sales management. While at the Innovation Hub, Savannah's goal is to further the Innovation Hub's presence by being a welcoming, passionate advocate of entrepreneurship. In her role, Savannah assists the Marketing and Engagement Coordinator with hosting public relations events on- and off-campus and creating marketing materials, including emails, posters, and slideshows.  

Savannah is originally from Kalispell, Montana where she lived in the Big Sky Country for twelve years before migrating to Mckinney, Texas. Savannah is a part of Greek Life at Texas Tech and enjoys spending time with her sorority sisters at Delta Gamma. When Savannah is not in school, she can be found hanging out with her family and friends, attending sports events, traveling, and shopping.