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June 09, 2014

John E. Birdwell, II Memorial Scholarship Endowment

The John E. Birdwell, II Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established by friends in memory of John E. Birdwell, II in 1992. John Birdwell, rancher and cattleman, was born on July 8, 1929 in Ralls, TX, to John Lowry and Cordelia (Golden) Birdwell. He was named Joe Earnest, but he later changed his name to John E. Birdwell II. He attended grade school in Ralls and in Lubbock, where his family moved in 1939. He attended Lubbock High School and then the high school at Jacksonville Baptist College, where he received his diploma in 1947. He attended Texas Technological College briefly in 1947. From 1945-1949 he managed his father's ranch near Justiceburg before leasing the Connell Ranch of some 100,000 acres near Post. In 1949, he married Genene Lee Bateman in Clovis, New Mexico. They had four sons and a daughter. In 1945 Birdwell and his father leased the VVN Ranch, the southernmost camp of the XIT Ranch in Bailey County. A year later they drove to New York City to buy the ranch from Stone-Webster Investment Company. Birdwell moved to Lubbock in 1966 and continued ranching in Garza, Throckmorton, Haskell, and Bailey counties. He was chairman of Birdwell Cattle Feeders, a ranching and cattle-feeding operation in Bailey County, until his retirement in 1989, when Governor Bill Clements appointed him to the Texas Water Commission. Birdwell was president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and a member of the board of directors of the National Cattlemen's Association, the Beef Industry Council, the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show, and the Texas Hereford Association. He was also a board member of the Brazos River Authority. He received the Gerald W. Thomas Outstanding Agriculturist Award from the Texas Tech College of Agricultural Sciences. He served on the Texas Tech Board of Regents from 1981 to 1987 and as its chairman in 1986. Scholarships available to students majoring in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources with an interest in water use, conservation and/or environment.

June 09, 2014

Nathan and Carolyn Boardman Scholarship Endowment

Nathan and Carolyn Boardman Scholarship Endowment was established by Nathan and Carolyn Boardman in 2011. Scholarships available to students enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

June 09, 2014

J. Raymond Boyd/Lubbock Kiwanis (Downtown) Club Scholarship

J. Raymond Boyd/Lubbock Kiwanis (Downtown) Club Scholarship was established by the Lubbock Kiwanis Foundation in 1994. To provide scholarships for undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who exemplify high qualities of citizenship.

June 09, 2014

R. A. Brown Ranch Scholarship Endowment

R.A. Brown Ranch Scholarship Endowment was established by Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Brown, Jr. and family in 2002. Scholarship for an entering freshman or currently enrolled student majoring in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who has shown exceptional leadership ability in FFA, 4-H, or similar youth organizations and who shows promise for continued future leadership roles in the agricultural industry. These leadership abilities include characteristics such as the art of public speaking; ability to think and make decisions; human relations skills; enthusiasm; optimism; and the ability to instill the same leadership qualities in others. Scholarships can be renewed at the discretion of the committee with satisfactory progress of the student.

June 09, 2014

Frank M. Carter Memorial Dean's Scholarship and Top-O-Texas Endowed Scholarship

Frank M. Carter Memorial Scholarship was established by Buster Carter, Pat Carter, and Phebe Carter Hetchcock in 1985. Scholarships for entering freshmen and currently enrolled students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources based on high school record and entrance examination scores; or on GPA. Awards will include a minimum $1,000 scholarship to a student from the Top-O-Texas Show area and one or more Gold Award Dean's Scholars Scholarship awards per year. The Gold Award is renewable with appropriate academic progress.

June 09, 2014

E. G. and Evelyn Cauble, Jr. Scholarship Endowment

The E.G. and Evelyn Cauble, Jr. Scholarship Endowment was established by E.G. and Evelyn Cauble, Jr. of Big Lake, Texas in 1998. Scholarships available for undergraduate students majoring in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

June 09, 2014

Marvin J. Cepica Student Agricultural Council Scholarship Endowment

The Marvin J. Cepica Student Agricultural Council Scholarship Endowment was established by Student Agricultural Council Members, Marvin J. Cepica in 1995. Scholarships available for students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who are active in the Student Agricultural Council as officers or representatives.

June 09, 2014

CHS University Scholarship

The CHS University Scholarship was established by the CHS Foundation in 2008. Scholarships available to students working towards an agriculture-related degree to pursue a career in agribusiness or production agriculture. The students will be entering or continuing their sophomore, junior or senior year. Students are eligible to receive the scholarship multiple years, and this scholarship is not based on financial need. CHS guidelines will be followed.

June 09, 2014

Don Clark Scholarship Endowment

The Don Clark Scholarship Endowment was established in 1981 by the friends of Don Clark who is the Director of the Livestock Department of the State Fair of Texas. Scholarships are available for entering freshman or major in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have demonstrated good scholarship.