Texas Tech University

Recruitment & Retention


CMLL Heightens Program Awareness at Arts & Sciences Day


The College of Arts & Sciences organized Arts & Sciences Day on Friday, August 28th outside of Holden Hall. CMLL was among the 29 departments who participated in the internal recruiting event. Current students discovered all that A & S has to offer which featured student organizations, departmental advisors and faculty who provided information about degrees and ways to become involved with Arts & Sciences. CMLL advisors, Liz Hildebrand and Carla Burrus along with several faculty members increased students' awareness of the numerous language majors, minors, graduate programs and the associated language clubs and societies CMLL provides to students.

Texas Tech Preview Day


CMLL faculty, academic advisors and graduate students showcased the language program offered at Texas Tech to prospective high school students from around Texas at the Texas Tech Preview Day on October 12 in the United Spirit Arena. After participating in a Spirit Rally, students engaged in conversations about the importance of language in a global economy and gained insight as to how language can be part of their academic career during the Resource Fair.

M & M Fair


The M & M Fair targets current Texas Tech students who are exploring majors and minors offered at Texas Tech University. CMLL hosted four tables this year for Spanish, Languages and Cultures, Arabic, and ASL in order to provide more opportunities to explain the specific languages offered for both Bachelors and minors. Students learned about double or dual majors and about having a double minor in languages.


Spanish Heritage Language Program Breakfast Social and Community Outreach Lecture

The Spanish Heritage Language Program hosted a breakfast social in the Qualia room from 9 am to 11am on October 29th. The main goal of this event was to inform current and prospective Spanish students of the course offerings in the spring semester. In addition the Spanish faculty planned something unique and exciting: approximately 30 Spanish-English bilingual children from several Lubbock school districts attended the event during which they had the opportunity to meet and mingle with instructors and students from our department over breakfast, learn about what we do, tour our facilities, and read their poetry and short essay submissions to the Spanglish Day Creative Writing Competition. These readings were selected as part of the regional stage of a nation-wide creative writing contest for which we received over 70 submissions. Given the significance of this event, the local Telemundo TV station covered the event.

Study Abroad Recruitment


Several CMLL faculty members, advisors, and graduate students promoted the Classics, Spanish and German study abroad programs at the Study Abroad held in the Student Union Building, Ballroom on September 16.


Culture Day- Seville, Spain


November 26: The Spanish Life and Culture class participated in a Cultural Day with an emphasis on Texas culture at a local school from 1st to 9th grade. Students were introduced to Texas Culture through playing English games and learning to country line dance.Recruit11

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Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures

  • Address

    CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
