Texas Tech University

Faculty Book Publications


Dr. Genaro Pérez (Spanish)

Publisher: Albatros Ediciones,
Genaro J. Pérez, 2019
ISBN: 978-84-7274-362-5


Rosa Montero is an award-winning journalist for the Spanish newspaper El País and an author of contemporary fiction. In his monograph, Subversión y de(s)construcción de subgéneros en la narrative de Rosa Montero, Dr. Pérez studies eight novels and half a dozen short stories of a significant Spanish writer. The monograph shows how Montero deconstructs/manipulates several genres to give them a new and authentic perspective in their form and content.

Dr. Caroline Bishop (Classics)

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Bishop, Caroline, 2019
ISBN: 9780198829423


Dr. Greta Gorsuch (Applied Linguistics)


Dr. Gorsuch has published original fiction for English as a Second Learners and adult literacy learners, including "Key City on the River," (Gemma Open Door), and five titles in the American Chapter series from Wayzgoose Press: "Lights at Chickasaw Point & The Two Garcons," "Summer in Cimarron & Lunch at the Dixie Diner," "The Bee Creek Blues & Meridian," "Living at Trace," and "The Storm."

She has been distributing these titles free, through personal visits, to rural public libraries in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Texas, where many of the stories are set. Her goal is to boost awareness of the need to develop readers' fluency in reading, and supporting interest in methodologies for reading fluency and reader agency.

Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures

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