Texas Tech University


Our Students

The AIChE Student Chapter at Texas Tech University is starting off the 2017/18 academic year with a membership of 200 students and a dynamic group of officers. Led by President Joe Carrera, the group plans to build on their momentum from last year, including organizing tours to industrial facilities and research laboratories and performing community outreach. The chapter plans to host industrial info sessions, research poster workshops, professor-led presentations, and technical demonstrations. The focus is on strengthening members' professional and technical skills and encouraging undergraduate research, with goals of growing the organization and fostering members' career development. The group will attend the National AIChE Conference in Minneapolis, MN this fall and will represent Texas Tech in both areas of undergraduate research and leadership. Officers include Vice President Chiagoziem "Mark" Aneke, Treasurer James Russell, Secretary Caleb Wright, Undergraduate Research Coordinator Mackenzie Steckbeck, and Student Organization Representative Brandon Sandoval. The student chapter is advised by Dr. Carla Lacerda and they look forward to a great year.


The Texas Tech Chemical Engineering Car Team is going to AIChE Nationals this fall!!! The car team, which boasts 46 members and is led by President Joshua Holtz, had two cars that competed in the AIChE Southwest Region ChemE Car Competition in spring of 2017. Both of the cars, "Midnight Matador" and "Tower of Power", successfully beat other schools such as UT and Texas A&M in both categories of Poster Presentation and Car Performance. Captained by Aaron Lambert, the "Midnight Matador" team won first place in the Poster Presentation. The "Tower of Power" team, captained by Blake Hanford, won second place in Car Performance, earning them a spot in the national competition. The "Tower of Power" car is propelled by thermoelectric generators (TEGs) employing the Seebeck effect, in which an electric current is produced by a difference in temperature provided by an exothermic reaction between water and aluminum on one side of the TEG and a flow of ice water on the opposite side. In order to control the distance traveled by the car, which is key to winning the car competition, a bleach clock with light sensor detection was incorporated as a stopping reaction. The "Tower of Power" team going to Nationals is expected to include Tyler Chiriboga, Ethan Thomas, and Cassie Alvarez along with Hanford and Holtz. The team is excited about the competition and is hard at work to produce another great performance. The Car Team is advised by Dr. Jeremy Marston.
