Texas Tech University

Challenge 6: "Helping Hand"


This weekly challenge focuses on adding a motorized arm to the robot, so that it can pick up, carry, and drop an item in a desired location. 

Expected Learning Outcomes:

  • Design and build a motorized arm attachment to the robot
  • Program the arm to move up and down or back and forth
  • Program the robot to move forward, drop an item into a desired location and return to starting location

Need some more inspiration for building a motorized arm? Click here for more ideas.

Materials Needed:

  • One charged LEGO NXT/EV3 kit and computer with software installed per group
  • Floor space
  • Ruler or tape measure
  • 3-gang electrical box, 2-gang switch plate, 1 PVC compression coupler


  • Tape a start line about three feet away from the blue 3-gang electrical box.
  • Place the PVC compression coupler and the 2-gang switch plate next to the start line. No other game pieces are needed at this time.

Approximate Time Needed:

  • Challenge 6.1: One hour for design of the arm and 30 minutes for programming
  • Challenge 6.2: One hour for the redesign of the arm and 30 minutes for programming

Challenge Tasks:

6.1 Design an arm to attach to your robot that will carry and drop the PVC compression coupler into the blue electrical box.

CLICK HERE for the Resource Page for Challenge 6.1 (printable PDF)

6.2 Design an arm to attach to your robot that will carry and drop the 2-gang switch plate into the blue electrical box.

CLICK HERE for the Resource Page for Challenge 6.2 (printable PDF)