Texas Tech University

Explore Engineering Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

What is required of me to participate in camp?

Participants must complete the Explore Engineering application, sign the Explore Engineering guidelines, and pay the $350 camp fee in order to be eligible to participate in Explore Engineering. We receive a high volume of applicants, so a complete application does not guarantee your acceptance.

Where are we eating?

Explore Engineering participants will be eating the majority of meals in the dining hall of the residence hall. Typically this is located at The Fresh Plate in the Wall/Gates Complex. Several dining options are available to accommodate a range of dietary concerns.

May I have my phone?

Campers will be able to use phones at camp during break times, as appropriate. Students will be expected to act professionally with access to their phones and will not be permitted to use phones during lectures, project and/or hands-on activities.

Do I get to choose my roommate?

No, we seek to connect students who would not previously know each other. We want to ensure students meet new friends from other schools and hometowns to simulate the university experience.

What will the Explore Engineering project be like?

Explore Engineering will cover seven main engineering disciplines offered by the Whitacre College of Engineering. Class time and all activities will help students prepare for an end-of-camp presentation.

What is the participation expectation?

Students are expected to be present and active. Students are required to be interactive and participate in class and group activities.

What physical activities will I participate in?

  • Walking (large campus) to and from class and the dining hall locations.
  • Pool Activities
  • Recreational Activities

How much free time will we have?

There is a lot to cover during the week and it is very busy. Campers should expect that free time is limited. Students will attend various classes Sunday - Thursday, with short breaks throughout the day. Each evening will have fun, free university activities available to participants. Students may also choose to work on their engineering projects during this free time.

Is there a curfew?

Yes. Students are expected to be on their respective floor by 9pm and in their individual rooms by 10pm. Explore Engineering participants will remain in their groups throughout the week's activities. For safety reasons, participants will need to follow all camp guidelines, including residence hall and individual room curfews.

What should I bring?

Campers should bring the following to camp:

  • Reusable water bottle/container
  • Backpack
  • Laptop or tablet (This is not a requirement, but it does help your student research and prepare for the final presentation.)
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat 
  • Snacks, or money for snacks (not required, but if desired)
  • Spending money for the TTU Campus Bookstore (optional)
    • Campers and counselors are not permitted to leave campus at any time between Check-in and Check-out. If you would like to buy TTU merch items, it must be from the TTU Campus Bookstore or before/after camp with your guardian.

Campers should wear the following to camp:

  • Appropriate clothing for campus environment in the summer (modest – clothing may not reveal mid-drift, shorts should be longer than T-shirt)
  • Shoes suitable for walking
  • Long pants and close-toed shoes for the visit to the Oilfield Technology Center.
  • Swimsuits & Recreational Clothing for University Recreation Center.
  • A more detailed list will be provided as part of the acceptance package.

Frequently Asked Questions for Parents

Will we be able to communicate with our student?

In case of emergency, during class hours (Monday - Friday, 8am – 5pm) please contact staff directly in the Engineering Opportunities Center at (806) 742-3451.

Outside of class hours, including lunch, you may communicate with your student. Closer to the time of camp you will receive a schedule so you know where your student will be at all times.

Due to privacy matters and safety concerns, assisting Texas Tech staff and volunteers will not be able to disclose any information regarding participants or the schedule, whether in person or over the phone

How will sleeping accommodations be arranged? 

Explore Engineering participants will be arranged as roommates (female-female; male-male) according to interest similarities while emulating university housing "potluck" arrangements. Female and male students will be arranged in two different wings of a university housing floor. Female camp counselors will have room accommodations during the duration of the camp in the wing assigned to female students, while male counselors will have room accommodations during the duration of the camp in the wing assigned to male students. Additionally, full-time staff camp coordinators will also have university housing accommodations during the duration of the camp.

How and whom do I contact in case of emergency?

Explore Engineering participants and parents will be given the contact information of staff upon acceptance. In case of an emergency during work hours (M-F, 8am-5pm), please call the Whitacre College of Engineering at 806.742.3451

What is required of me for my child to participate in camp?

A parent/guardian must sign the required paperwork and ensure campers have submitted the $350 camp fee. Parents are also welcome to attend the camper's final presentations on Thursday morning.

How much is required of me at the camp?

All classes, activities, and workshops are for the students. Parents are not required to attend any portion of the Explore Engineering camp. However, we ask parents' assistance during Sunday move-in. Parents are also welcome to attend the Thursday debrief of the week and watch the participants' project presentation shortly after.

how do i pay for camp?

Payment can only be made via check or money order at this time. Please make check/money order out to:

  • USPS: Whitacre College of Engineering c/o Ashley Semler, Explore Engineering, Box 43103 Lubbock, TX 79409-3103
  • Make checks or money orders out to Texas Tech University, Explore Engineering.
    • Online payment is not currently available for camp; if it becomes available, admitted campers and parents/families will receive a payment link via email.

Do I need to send extra money with my child?

Explore Engineering participants will be given the opportunity to purchase Texas Tech gear and snacks with their own funds. We recommend that each participant bring a minimum of $15 to compensate for any possible lost access cards to the residence halls. Students will be responsible for lost items that are camp or university property.

i live in lubbock; Can my student commute to camp each day?

No, campers are not permitted to leave the TTU Campus from the time they check-in to camp on Sunday, June 22nd, until they are checked out by their guardian on Thursday, June 26th. There are no exceptions to this policy except in the case of emergency.

Frequently Asked Questions for Potential Counselors

What can I expect as a counselor for the Explore Engineering Camp?

Explore Engineering counselors will serve in facilitating the Explore Engineering Summer Camp alongside EOC staff and WCOE staff and faculty. Your goal will be to encourage campers in their pursuit of engineering, aid in students' ability to problem solve and work ethic, and represent Texas Tech University as a whole. Our counselors will lead a group of 4-5 campers, help in the classrooms, camper project team meetings, and during social events. Your role is to be a leader and example to the campers.

How many counselors will be hired?

The EOC is seeking 12-15 full-time counselors who will stay on campus overnight during the duration of the camp Saturday, June 21st (2-3pm) – Monday (7:30 am) - Thursday, June 26, 2025 (3 pm). They will work with Explore Engineering campers as they immerse themselves in a TTU engineering student's schedule.

What is the pay rate?

The pay rate for Explore Engineering 2025 Counselors is $1000 for their full participation in trainings & overnight stay. Payment will be received by counselors as a one-time payment on the first payday following the camp's end. Please note that the appropriate taxes will be deducted from this sum. Counselors who do not follow rules and regulations set forth by camp coordinators may be sent home early, which results in pay equal to your hours worked.

What are the times that I need to be available?

If selected as an Explore Engineering counselor, you will be required to attend an orientation and training session with EOC staff before camp (see the application for detailed information). In addition, counselors will be required to complete trainings required for employees of summer camps (online). Counselors must also be available for the full week of the Explore Engineering 2025 camp: Sunday, June 22nd (2 pm) - Thursday, June 26, 2025 (3 pm). Students who are enrolled in Summer I or full-term Summer courses are not eligible to be camp counselors, even in asynchronous online courses, as there is not enough time during the week to complete any schoolwork.

What do I need to submit to be hired?

In order to be eligible as an Explore Engineering summer counselor, applicants must complete all necessary new employee paperwork, complete the Sexual Abuse/Child Molestation Prevention Training and provide the certificate of proof, attend the EOC orientation/training session at which applicants will sign the Explore Engineering Guidelines, and complete the TTU new hire paperwork and online documentation for a full background check.


Complete the Explore Engineering Camper Application. Application will be available by Monday, February 3, 2025.


Questions may be directed to eoc.coe@ttu.edu

Explore Engineering Counselors

The Explore Engineering Counselor Application will open February 3, 2025. Only current WCOE students in good standing are eligible to be counselors.