Texas Tech University

Texas Tech Graduate Students Win 1st and 2nd Place in the 23rd Annual Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.

Lacy Oliver

April 18, 2024

Nayeem Hasan Kashem and Adegbola Balogun from the Department of Chemical Engineering have been awarded 1st and 2nd place in the 2024 Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.

Nayeem Hasan Kashem and Adegbola Balogun from the Department of Chemical Engineering have been awarded 1st and 2nd place in the Graduate Student Research Poster Competition within the Math/Physical Sciences/Engineering category. Kashem secured first place, with Balogun following closely in second.

The 23rd Graduate Poster Competition is an annual competition open to current Texas Tech graduate students and postdocs. It serves as a platform for showcasing top-tier research and effective communication skills to a broader audience. 

For Kashem, securing First place in the Math/Physical Sciences/Engineering category represents far more than a mere accolade—it embodies a profound validation of dedication and perseverance within the academic realm. "This award represents not only recognition for my hard work and dedication but also validation of our impactful research works in the Li Lab at the Department of Chemical Engineering, within the academic community," Kashem said. "Winning this competition reaffirms my belief in my capabilities and encourages me to push boundaries further in pursuit of knowledge and innovation.” 

Adegbola from Dr. Khare's group who's approaching his graduation, reflects on the profound significance of winning second place in this competition. "This award not only validates the culmination of my academic journey at Texas Tech but also bolsters my credentials as I transition into the next phase of my career," he remarks. With aspirations to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation in his field, Adegbola sees this achievement as a stepping stone towards his future goals.

Both students gave wise words on Texas Tech's tagline, “From Here It's Possible, Adegbola sees his award as a shining example of the endless possibilities available at the university. 

"It showcases the University's commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and academic achievement," he asserts. "This recognition reinforces the notion that with determination, perseverance, and access to resources, any goal, no matter how ambitious, is attainable 'from here'." 

Kashem expounded on the university's tagline, "From Here, It's Possible," elucidating its newfound resonance in light of his achievement.

"Winning this award has illuminated the notion that with determination, perseverance, and access to resources provided by Texas Tech, achieving one's goals and aspirations is indeed possible," he affirmed. This sentiment encapsulates the ethos of Texas Tech—a place where dreams are nurtured, and possibilities abound.

They both offered advice to future students aspiring to follow in their footsteps, "Pursue your passions fervently, seek mentorship, hone your communication prowess, confront challenges with resilience," Kashem said, encapsulating the essence of success in academia and beyond.

"Actively seek out research opportunities aligned with your interests, build strong relationships with your advisors, and continuously refine your communication skills to effectively showcase your research," Adegbola advises. 

By embracing these principles, Adegbola and Kashem believe that aspiring students can unlock their full potential and achieve their academic aspirations at Texas Tech.