Texas Tech University

Kristen Grant


Distinguished Staff Awards 2018 Recipient Image:Kristen Grant-Human Resources

Kristen Grant
Lead Specialist
Human Resources

Kristen Grant is enthusiasm at its finest! She really stepped up to the plate when we were down a person due to the hiring freeze. For eight months she was up for the challenge of being a two-person team, jumping in to make sure things went smoothly no matter what. That may not sound like a hard task, but considering we coordinate events and are frequently in front of audiences, a lot can go wrong if you don't have just the right person to keep things on track and to think on their feet. In addition, Kristen took on delivering the customer service portion of new employee orientation in order to balance the load of speaking responsibilities when we only had two people running the entire new employee orientation process. She did so with a flair of her own and even received a comment that she should consider becoming a public speaker. The customer service portion is critical for our new employees as it sets that expectation of what it means to be a member of the Red Raider family and to give great service. She delivered this message with great enthusiasm and got our new employees excited about serving their customers well.