Billy W. Boone
Billy W. Boone
Section Manager
Payroll and Tax Services
Billy Boone serves in a leadership role for the Payroll and Tax Services department. The department has been working for 18 months developing a restructure plan and career ladder for all staff. Billy has contributed significant time and effort into this development, including timelines, evaluation rubrics, documenting department tasks, and providing feedback on staff strengths and weaknesses and goals. Time spent on this project is in addition to regular job duties. Additionally, Billy spends a significant amount of time working on team development. There has been tremendous growth in the past 12 months from the individuals he works with. They appreciate the time he spends on their growth and have gained a better understanding of how to view opportunities from a higher level so a plan of action can be made rather than beginning work and figuring it out as they go along. Billy is also a member of the International Affairs Council and has presented on foreign national topics and has participated in council discussions. He and his staff conduct clinics each spring to assist foreign national students with completing tax filing requirements. He and a member of his team were recently asked to represent the University and the foreign national students by serving on the board for the Coalition of Community Assistance Volunteers (CCAV). His role is to provide insight into foreign national tax issues and how students are affected. It is clear that Billy is helping both students and staff in their developmental efforts.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -