Texas Tech University

CassiDe Street


Distinguished Staff Awards 2019 Recipient Image: CassiDe Street Office of Research and Innovation

CassiDe Street
Section Manager
Office of Research and Innovation

In the few years that CassiDe Street has served in her role, she has built bridges with many faculty researchers that previously held a negative view of the office. She changed the office agenda to one of research facilitation and education. By doing so, she has made research safer and more ethical because now our researchers seek out regulatory information and instruction, rather than avoiding an office that was viewed as an obstruction to their research endeavors. In addition, CassiDe has made the compliance processes easier for many of our researchers by modifying systems that directly address the magnitude of risk associated with proposed research, while maintaining compliance with regulations. Most recently, she independently addressed an enormous change in federal regulations. All of the office processes and regulatory knowledge had to be addressed to maintain institutional compliance with federal regulations. CassiDe made all the necessary changes with minimal disruption of service to our researchers. Her efforts were enormously successful. CassiDe's performance clearly demonstrates her dedication to Texas Tech and our research community.