Eleanor Mode
Eleanor Mode
Eleanor Mode has been an important factor in making the English department a more welcoming place for students and in helping the department grow. Because the English department has a large number of minors, she came up with the idea of advertising to students at a "minor fair" where students have the chance to meet faculty and learn about our degree minors. The event was so successful in its first year that it is now an annual event. As a result of her efforts, the number of English minors has increased by more than 70%! Another of her great ideas has been to host an annual breakfast for advisors. This is another event that she proposed, planned, and executed. Each spring, she invites advisors from all across campus to come have breakfast with us and to learn about the courses we offer that their students might be interested in taking. She plans out a presentation that gives information about our Core and Multicultural courses and about courses that meet Arts & Sciences college-level requirements. This event is a wonderful innovation because it is concretely helpful to the advisors. Eleanor has proven that she is both dedicated to the students she serves and to the department as a whole.
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