Paul Green
Paul Green
Unit Manager
Plant and Soil Science
Paul Green supports Texas Tech University through efforts with the Department of Plant & Soil Science, Animal and Food Sciences, personnel with the Texas A&M Agricultural Research Station, and multiple industry groups who maintain and conduct research and education missions at the Texas Tech Agricultural Field Laboratory near New Deal. This represents a multi-disciplinary engagement that provides cooperative and successful research and education programs which aid Texas Tech in achieving and maintaining Tier One status. It is through Paul's tireless efforts that many of our visitors obtain a favorable first impression as tour groups and individuals frequently visit the farm. These have included groups as diverse as high school and college students, researchers from other universities, industry representatives, area agricultural producers, community, and many international visitors from around the globe including Africa, Australia, China, France, Israel, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and many others. Paul's efforts allow our program to precisely focus on goals, objectives and tasks at hand to more effectively disseminate pertinent information to the agricultural community through field days, publications, and personal interactions with students and the public. This allows for opportunities to bring in additional research dollars and focus on the challenges and needs faced by production agriculture today. Without people like Paul, Texas Tech would not be the top-quality institution of higher education that it is today and recognized world-wide for its research and quality of graduates.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -