Rose Cruz
Rose Cruz
Lead Academic Advisor
College of Media and Communication
Rose Cruz's energy and excitement as an advisor has contributed to the overall growth of the Digital Media and Professional Communication major. She has been instrumental in developing the degree plan for this new major and making sure all graduating requirements have been met. She gives exceptional care to the students she meets with and is willing to put other work aside when a student is in need of assistance. Rose exudes a level of proficiency, teamwork, and customer service that has made her one of the most reliable members on the team. This past year, she had a total of 797 student appointments which is especially impressive given that she only has 177 students assigned to her. Her student-centered attitude is displayed on a daily basis whether she drops what she is doing to help a student or anticipates a fellow staff member in need. Consistently students email complimenting her and saying how she was instrumental in their lives. Rose is making a significant impact in helping students succeed.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -