Dawn Cepica
Dawn Cepica
Lead Administrator
Office of International Affairs
Dawn serves Texas Tech departments and the foreign national faculty and staff they hire to fill key faculty and support positions across campus. This is highly detailed, increasingly complex, and high stakes work that is done on behalf of the hosting departments and their international employees. Dawn's work is vital to the ability of Texas Tech to compete for a talented and diverse workforce of faculty, researchers, and staff. In all of her service to TTU over the years she has demonstrated a strong commitment to serving the interests of institution by providing professional, efficient, and friendly service. As a result, Dawn has developed a stellar reputation across campus and, in particular, the international community. She has successfully taken on a variety of responsibilities and processes that few immigration attorneys encounter and has done this with no formal legal training to the inestimable benefit of the institution. This service has been carried out for so long and so competently that the university and system legal offices have almost no involvement in immigration processes for international employees. The fact that these very complex legal processes have been carried out for many years with unblemished success is a tremendous testimony to the service that Dawn quietly and consistently provides to Texas Tech.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -