Lori Gibler

Lori Gibler
Unit Assistant Director
Environmental Toxicology
During late February and early March 2020 as the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and Texas sky-rocketed, it became necessary to increase the capabilities and capacity of the Texas Tech University Laboratory Response Network lab to test large numbers of human clinical samples each day. This team graciously and selflessly adapted their normal daily work routines to ensure the COVID-19 testing mission was accomplished. Through their actions and efforts to support the Texas Tech COVID-19 Testing Team, this team clearly demonstrated an exceptional ability to foster cooperation with employees both internal and external to the organization. Within two weeks the administrative staff were providing support services for a five-fold increase in the number of people involved in COVID-19 testing, with more than 30 volunteers from both campuses joining the original five-person team. This team contributed greatly to preparing for, establishing and maintaining the Texas Tech COVID-19 Testing Team through various essential support functions. Specific critical support functions provided included: facility operations, maintenance and security; laboratory and worker safety; logistics and inventory management; payroll and accounting support; hardware and software IT support; hourly sanitization and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces throughout the building; and ensuring all personnel working in the facility signed-in/out and recorded a health check information. Their collective efforts and cohesive spirit contributed significantly to increasing the Texas Tech lab's productivity and efficiency. Initially the lab had the capacity to test approximately 85 samples per day, but as a result of the significant resource enhancements and establishment of the TTU COVID-19 Testing Team the lab can now test more the 400 samples per day. This has only been possible as a result of the commitment and team spirit of this dedicated Environmental Toxicology staff.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -