Texas Tech University

Elizabeth Hansen


Distinguished Staff Awards 2021: Elizabeth Hansen Student Disabilities ServicesElizabeth Hansen
Administrator and Academic Counselor
Student Disabilities Services

Elizabeth Hansen works with students at Texas Tech who have a learning disability, ADD/ADHD or autism spectrum disorder. The retention rate of students who fall into these categories is historically 30-60%. Through careful conversations about planning, time management, accountability, campus and community resources, learning styles, study strategies and more with her students, Elizabeth provides a bridge for success at TTU. She takes a genuine interest in their academic and emotional growth, and they are motivated by the impact of her support. Through her work, her students have a 97-99% retention rate semester over semester. Even for Spring 2021, when students were still battling the effects of a pandemic, the students' retention rate was 98%! Elizabeth's interactions with the tutors are always a positive experience, and they have come back to say that they have been offered jobs after graduation (or even excelled at their post-grad jobs) directly because of the growth they experienced under Elizabeth's guidance. It is a powerful realization that she has had that much impact on so many lives.