Texas Tech University

Kathleen Cade-Gerzon


Distinguished Staff Awards 2021: Kathleen Cade-Gerzon Office of International AffairsKathleen Cade-Gerzon
Student Life Coordinator
Office of International Affairs

Since coming on board, Kathleen Cade-Gerzon was tasked with the responsibilities of the International Student Life social media and web pages, in addition to helping with organization of international student events. She has now become one of the most knowledgeable web programmers in our office. During the pandemic, Kathleen's work on Instagram and the website enabled International Student Life to effectively maintain engagement with our students and provide opportunities for them to interact with one other. Our international students were particularly impacted by COVID 19. Unlike our domestic population, many international students were unable to return to their home communities around the world. As a result, Kathleen coordinated the International Student Life meal train account that helped the team run a near-to-campus food pantry and fresh meal program for the international student community. This ran for five months in 2020 when the campus was closed. Without this support service from her, International Student Life could not have reached the community volunteers who were integral to the success of this program. Both practically and relationally, this programming was essential to demonstrating to our international students that they were not forgotten in the months when Lubbock was quiet, and the campus was shuttered.