Texas Tech University

Mackenzie Hamilton


Distinguished Staff Awards 2021: Mackenzie Hamilton Office of AdvancementMackenzie Hamilton
Senior Director of Development
Office of Advancement

Since Mackenzie Hamilton took on her leadership role just over a year ago, she has led her academic unit to $11.9 million in donations during one of the most financially turbulent times in history. But, the job of Mackenzie's isn't solely raising funds. The most important component of advancement and development is forming relationships with those who have a high affinity for Texas Tech. Mackenzie is a natural leader in terms of both coaching and managing a team as well as leading by example for both production and care of the donors she oversees, the latter of which became apparent this summer. Mackenzie developed a strong relationship with a longtime elderly donor. The donor had previously given with her husband, but after his passing, she wanted to donate based on her own wishes and interests. After several meetings over the past year and a half, Mackenzie worked through a number of options with the donor to see which options met her vision. Together, they found a solution that made the donor ecstatic. Even after this gift, the donor shared she wanted to make another gift and requested a proposal on one of the ideas previously considered. Mackenzie called the donor to coordinate dropping off the information, but the donor dropped the phone after answering. Mackenzie called back, and the donor said she had fallen and wasn't feeling well. Mackenzie immediately drove to the donor's house and called a nurse at Carillon to come over to check the donor's vital signs. Mackenzie sat with the donor as she ate lunch and remained there until the donor felt better. It was an example of Mackenzie truly going above and beyond her job description to help save someone who was not just a great friend to Texas Tech but a wonderful, caring person who had already improved so many lives in the Lubbock community.