Distinguished Staff Awards Guidelines
Award Levels
There are six levels of Distinguished Staff Awards:
- Matador Award
- Staff Senate Award
- Masked Rider Award
- Guns Up Award
- President's Award of Excellence
- Chancellor's Award of Excellence
More information about each award can be found on the Award Descriptions page.
The Distinguished Staff Awards are made in accordance with each of the eligibility criteria listed below. The award year is considered the fiscal year.
The nominee(s) must:
- Have a current performance evaluation on file in Human Resources and have received an overall rating of "strong performer" or above and have a rating of "strong performer" or above in all related categories;
- Be continuously employed as a full-time or part-time, benefits-eligible employee for 12 consecutive months prior to the nomination;
- Not received a disciplinary action within the previous 12 months; and
- Not have received a Distinguished Staff Award in the past five years.
Note: The nomination may include an individual or team; however, all members of a team must meet the basic eligibility criteria stated above. If any member does not meet the eligibility requirements, Human Resources, with approval of the nominator, will remove the ineligible team member and continue the nomination process with the remaining eligible members.
The electronic nomination form is the only source of information about the nominee that the selection committee uses in the selection process. The selection committee members evaluate the degree the nominee demonstrates excellence in each of the areas listed under criteria for consideration of the award. The quantity of nominations received is not a factor in the selection process.
Verifications and Approvals
Verification of employment and performance will be completed by Human Resources. Division leaders (provost, vice presidents, and deans) and immediate supervisors will be notified of employees from their areas who are nominated. Approval by the immediate supervisor is required for an award to be presented to the Distinguished Staff Awards Selection Committees.
Award Evaluation Criteria and Selection
Eligible nominations will be evaluated on the specific criteria for the award for which the employee is being nominated, and the selection committees will use a weighted scoring method to evaluate the criteria. The selection committees will prepare a list of recommendations to submit to the President and Chancellor for their review and final selection for the respective awards.
Administration of Program
The administration of the program will be handled through Human Resources
Selection Procedure
Nominations are solicited for eligible employees of the University and the System through Human Resources. Human Resources will provide timelines and due dates for nominations in April of each year.
The selection committee for the Matador Award, Masked Rider Award, Guns Up Award, President's Award of Excellence, and the Chancellor's Award of Excellence will be comprised of previous award winners. The selection committee for the Staff Senate Award will be the Texas Tech University Staff Senate.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -