Texas Tech University

Heading image: 2015 Length of Service Awards Ceremony

Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Noureddine Abidi
Dr. Noureddine Abidi
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Jessica Acebedo
Jessica Acebedo
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Marty Adcock
Marty Adcock
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Jennifer Adling
Jennifer Adling
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Minerva Alaniz
Minerva Alaniz
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Robert Barrientes
Robert Barrientes
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Rita Brown
Rita Brown
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Odilia Calderon
Odilia Calderon
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Chris Cook
Chris Cook
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - George Crawford
George Crawford
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Kevin Crockett
Kevin Crockett
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Alan Cushman
Alan Cushman
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Stefano D'Amico
Dr. Stefano D'Amico
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - William Edgar
William Edgar
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Brian Enderson
Brian Enderson
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Karen Ervin
Karen Ervin
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Reynaldo Flores
Reynaldo Flores
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Delia Garcia
Delia Garcia
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Heath Garner
Heath Garner
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Heath Garner
Kristopher Gersbach
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Kathleen Gillis
Kathleen Gillis
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Deborah Green
Deborah Green
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Orlando Guajardo
Orlando Guajardo
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Lissa Guimbelleaux
Lissa Guimbelleaux
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Vickie Hampton
Dr. Vickie Hampton
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Janice Hicks
Janice Hicks
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Monica Hicks
Monica Hicks
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Kay Hill
Kay Hill
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Walter James
Walter James
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Emily Knopp
Emily Knopp
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Joe Lara
Joe Lara
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Susan Lang
Dr. Susan Lang
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Adrienne Long
Adrienne Long
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Kim Loveless
Kim Loveless
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Ruben Mallory
Ruben Mallory
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Danny Mar
Danny Mar
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Catherine Massengale
Catherine Massengale
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Leticia Mata
Leticia Mata
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Kent Meredith
Kent Meredith
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Sharon Mitchell
Sharon Mitchell
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Thayne Montague
Dr. Thayne Montague
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Jaclyn Morris
Jaclyn Morris
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Sylvia Mendez-Morse
Dr. Sylvia Mendez-Morse
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Catherine Morelock
Dr. Catherine Morelock
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - R.C. Ortiz
R.C. Ortiz
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Patti Perkins
Patti Perkins
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Paula Petmecky
Paula Petmecky
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Beverly Pinson
Beverly Pinson
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Gloria Priest
Gloria Priest
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Li Qin
Li Qin
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar
Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Steven Reynolds
Steven Reynolds
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - John Russell
John Russell
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Pradip Sahu
Pradip Sahu
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Beth Scheckel
Beth Scheckel
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Ronald Schulz
Ronald Schulz
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Mary Scott
Mary Scott
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Geleah Sharp
Geleah Sharp
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Robbie Shriver
Robbie Shriver
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Casandra Suarez
Casandra Suarez
  Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Norma Urista
Norma Urista
Image: Length of Service 15 year Award Recipient - Jeffrey Zheng
Jeffrey Zheng
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Per Anderson
Per Anderson
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Patricia Andrade
Patricia Andrade
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Desiree Bedford
Desiree Bedford
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Jeff Caperton
Jeff Caperton
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Helen Carter
Helen Carter
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Bradley Coward
Bradley Coward
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Dr. Timothy Dallas
Dr. Timothy Dallas
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Dr. Margaret Durham
Dr. Margaret Durham
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Jill Fedeli
Jill Fedeli
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Eric Fisher
Eric Fisher
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Joanna Harkey
Joanna Harkey
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Tom Heisey
Tom Heisey
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Susan Hoke
Susan Hoke
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Julian Hooker
Julian Hooker
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Dr. Duane Hoover
Dr. Duane Hoover
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - David Hougland
David Hougland
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Jerome Koch
Jerome Koch
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Mary Lauderback
Mary Lauderback
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Jamie Looney
Jamie Looney
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Victor Mellinger
Victor Mellinger
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Isaac Mora
Isaac Mora
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Shannon Mote
Shannon Mote
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Sally Post
Sally Post
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Dr. Richard Lenox
Dr. Richard Lenox
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Antonio Regalado
Antonio Regalado
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Maria Rosales
Maria Rosales
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Dr. Sanjaya Senadheera
Dr. Sanjaya Senadheera
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Ambry Shepherd
Ambry Shepherd
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Kevin Sparks
Kevin Sparks
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Debra Starcher
Debra Starcher
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Pamela Urnosky
Pamela Urnosky
  Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Vi Vance
Vi Vance
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - David White
David White
Image: Length of Service 20 year Award Recipient - Irita Winn
Irita Winn
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Dr. David Birney
Dr. David Birney
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Carman Campagna
Carman Campagna
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Dr. Dominick Casadonte
Dr. Dominick Casadonte
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Sean Childers
Sean Childers
  Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - James Cokendolpher
James Cokendolpher
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Jewel Downing
Jewel Downing
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Scott Elkins
Scott Elkins
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Twila Kirven
Twila Kirven
  Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Susie Land
Susie Land
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Michael McAlister
Michael McAlister
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Jamie McCann
Jamie McCann
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Zafar Miller
Zafar Miller
  Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Bonnie Morris
Bonnie Morris
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Lonnie Pierce
Lonnie Pierce
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Laquetta Purkiss
Laquetta Purkiss
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Art Quest
Art Quest
  Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Eddie Ramirez
Eddie Ramirez
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Pamela Roberson
Pamela Roberson
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Carrie Sedberry
Carrie Sedberry
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Ben Shacklett
Ben Shacklett
  Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Julia Sims
Julia Sims
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Dr. Roman Taraban
Dr. Roman Taraban
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Cynthia Turnipseed
Cynthia Turnipseed
Image: Length of Service 25 year Award Recipient - Dr. Jose Villalobos
Dr. Jose Villalobos
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Aurora Bernal
Aurora Bernal
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Ishwar Bhakta
Ishwar Bhakta
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Paul Blake
Paul Blake
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Daniel Burns
Daniel Burns
  Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Debra Crosby
Debra Crosby
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Steven Downing
Steven Downing
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Danny Fox
Danny Fox
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Gary Green
Gary Green
  Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Erich Gruber
Erich Gruber
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Travis Hoeffner
Travis Hoeffner
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Dr. John McGlone
Dr. John McGlone
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Dr. Cynthia McKenney
Dr. Cynthia McKenney
  Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Dr. Edward Quitevis
Dr. Edward Quitevis
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Janet Roller
Janet Roller
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Provost Lawrence Shovanec
Provost Lawrence Schovanec
Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - J Stalcup
J Stalcup
  Image: Length of Service 30 year Award Recipient - Dr. Rob Stewart
Dr. Rob Stewart
Image: Length of Service 35 year Award Recipient - Yolanda Castaneda
Yolanda Castaneda
Image: Length of Service 35 year Award Recipient - Robert Perl
Robert Perl
Image: Length of Service 35 year Award Recipient - Dr. James Smith
Dr. James Smith
Image: Length of Service 40 year Award Recipient - David Dean
David Dean
Image: Length of Service 40 year Award Recipient - Aida Garcia
Aida Garcia
Image: Length of Service 40 year Award Recipient - Dr. Gerald Parr
Dr. Gerald Parr
Image: Length of Service 40 year Award Recipient - Robert Weninger
Robert Weninger
  Image: Length of Service 40 year Award Recipient - John White
John White
Image: Length of Service 40 year Award Recipient - Richard Zartman
Richard Zartman
Image: Length of Service 45 year Award Recipient - Dr. Lorum Stratton
Dr. Lorum Stratton
Image: Length of Service 50 year Award Recipient - Dr. Milton Smith
Dr. Milton Smith