Texas Tech University

Heading image: 2022 Length of Service Awards Ceremony
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15 years

Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Bertha Armador Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Brittany Backus Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Shishir Bhakta Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Brenda Bullard
Bertha Armador
Brittany Backus
Shishir Bahkta
Brenda Bullard
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Jill Coronado Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Lacey Ellis Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Mick Ellsasser Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Kristi Gaines
Jill Coronado
Lacey Ellis
Mick Ellsasser
Kristi Gaines
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Darren Hendrick Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Brandon Hennington Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Ann Hodges Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Bronwyn Hoeffner
Darren Hedrick
Brandon Hennington
Ann Hodges
Bronwyn Hoeffner
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Daniel Houchin Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Michael Huffman Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Sandra Huston Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Erica Irlbeck
Daniel Houchin
Michael Huffman
Sandra Huston
Erica Irlbeck
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Levi Johnson Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Staci Johnston Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Casey Jones Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Zach Manning
Levi Johnson
Staci Johnston
Casey Jones
Zach Manning
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Glen Mullins Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient James Oswalt Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Kuhn Park Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Christopher Phelan
Glen Mullins
James Oswalt
Kuhn Park
Christopher Phelan
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Kyle Phillips Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Larry Phillips Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Merrell Reed Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Anna Ribeiro
Kyle Phillips
Larry Phillips
Merrell Reed
Anna Ribeiro
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Cassandra Rodriguez Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Aimee Sales Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Noel Sloan Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Chad Smith
Cassandra Rodriguez
Aimee Sales
Noel Sloan
Chad Smith
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Charles Smith Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Tommy Smith Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Josie Solis Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Janaki Sugathadasa
Charles Smith
Tommy Smith
Josie Solis
Janaki Sugathadasa
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Shera Thomas-Jackson Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Jerry Trevino Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Brian Uline
Shera Thomas-Jackson
Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo
Jerry Trevino
Brian Uline
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Sheila Villareal Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Igor Volobouev Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Debora Waldenmayer Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Shelly Walraven
Sheila Villareal
Igor Volobouev
Debora Waldenmayer
Shelly Walraven
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Connie Watson Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Lauren Whitman Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Ryan Williams Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Kelly Williams
Connie Watson
Lauren Whitman
Ryan Williams
Kelly Williams
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Mark Wright Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Kai Zhang  
Mark Wright
Kai Zhang

Honorees not photographed

Steven Allsup
Innocent Awasom
Shelley Barba
Moriah Beyers
Carl Boland
Costica Bradatan
Dede Brocklehurst
Alexa Brown
Emma B. Carrasco
Tirso Carrillo
Stacy Carter
Kassandra Cauthorn
Benaissa Chidmi
Christiana Christofides
Kevin Chua
Domingo Deleon
Francesca Di Poppa
Richard Driver
Raymond Edwards
Prairie Endres-Parnell 
Consuelo Esparza
Jennifer Fauls
Danette Fleming
Drucilla Franco
Caren Fullerton
Innocencia Gutierrez
Hans Hansen
Stephanie Hart
Rachel Jarnagin
James Johnson
Michael Kacal
Lynn Karnavas
Ruth Lara
Lowell Lay
Sung-Won Lee
Stephanie Lockwood
Chuck Long
Lisa Low
Antonio Luna
Norman Martin
Suzette Mason
Patrick McLaurin
Ramon Moreno
Andrew Mosedale
Gail Muerer
Travis Patterson
Vanda Pauwels
Ryan Rathmann
Kayla Rathmann
Anwesa Sahoo
Jacob Salazar
Charles Short
Shayne Sims
Martha Smithey
Heejin Son
Kingston Tigga
Kenton Wilkinson
Jeffrey Williams
Margaret Williams
Socorro Zuniga
Delong Zuo

Red dividing line

20 years

Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Janie Alvarado Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Derrick Ard Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Michelle Beltran Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Andrew Bevly
Janie Alvarado
Derrick Ard
Michelle Beltran
Andrew Bevly
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Rhonda Bratcher Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Mark Burow Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Robby Carlson Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Narissra Carter
Rhonda Bratcher
Mark Burow
Robby Carlson
Narissra Carter
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Carolyn Cason Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Dawn Cepica Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Hilda Cordero Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient David Doerfert
Carolyn Cason
Dawn Cepica
Hilda Cordero
David Doerfert
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Judy Edwards Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Rebecca Enis Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Lonnie Evans Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Kim Harris
Judy Edwards
Rebecca Enis
Lonnie Evans
Kim Harris
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Melissa Helbert Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Jimmy Holland Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Ramona Hyatt Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Teresa Jack
Melissa Helbert
Jimmy Holland
Ramona Hyatt
Teresa Jack
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Donald Jones Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient David Kelly Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Randall Kelly Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Michelle Kiser
Donald Jones
David Kelly
Randall King
Michelle Kiser
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Quepha Lynn Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Jaime Malaga Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Angela Mariani-Smith Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Bradley Martin
Quepha Lynn
Jaime Malaga
Angela Mariani-Smith
Bradley Martin
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Bob McDonald Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Christina Montecillo Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Elma Moreno Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Brian Nutter
Bob McDonald
Christina Montecillo
Elma Moreno
Brian Nutter
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Jerry Perez Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Paul Perez Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient John Poch Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Marisol Rodriguez
Jerry Perez
Paul Perez
John Poch
Marisol Rodriguez
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Nathan Rogers Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Gale Soto Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Malgorzata Surowiec Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient James Thornton
Nathan Rogers
Gale Soto
Malgorzata Surowiec
James Thornton
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Adolfo Varela Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Mary Villarreal Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Ronny Wall Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Kami White-Waden
Adolfo Varela
Mary Villarreal
Ronny Wall
Kami White-Waden
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Vince Wilde Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Cynthia Young  
Vince Wilde
Cynthia Young

Honorees not photographed

Gwen Armstrong
Roy Avalos
Ayrton Bernussi
Shannon Bichard
Michel Brashears
Allyson Brock Smith
David Callison
Bryan Camp
Perry Carter
John Chumley
George Comiskey
Amanda Cotton
Craig Cotton
Rosa Cruz
Sean Cunningham
Ryan Curry
Molly Dickens
Sara Dodd
Rebecca Espinoza
Dolly Garcia
Terri Giddens
Mark Gring
Ameri Gurley
Rhetta Hardage
Beth Hart
Edward Hellman
Claude Hendricks
Carrie Hodnett
Heather Horst
Jimmy Kelly
Juan Lourdes
Conrad Lyford
Kathryn MacDonald
Rebecca Massey
Michael McCarty
Nathan McClendon
Tara Miller
Jorge Morales
Valerie Paton
Christina Perez
Petra Perez
Joy Perrin
Roy Ratheal
Latisha Roberts
Mohammad Saed
Jennifer Shelton
Jaeki Song
Nancy Soonpaa
Larry Spain
Christopher Starcher
Tara Stevens
Cam Stone
Katherine Taylor
Magdelena Toda
Ana Torres
Tohi Trout
Cindy Villegas
Andrea Wade
Eugene Wang
Kevin Wass
Emily Wilkinson
Jorge Zamora
Yu Zhuang

Red dividing line

25 years

Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Anderson Hugh Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Hendrika Buelinckx Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Leticia Cobos Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Kathryn Fanning
Anderson Hugh
Hendrika Buelinckx
Leticia Cobos
Kathryn Fanning
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Charles Grair Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Adella Gutierrez Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Jeffrey Harper Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Mike Kennedy
Charles Grair
Adella Gutierrez
Jeffrey Harper
Mike Kennedy
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Ching Lee Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Huey Lee Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient David Lira Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Susan Mengel
Ching Lee
Huey Lee
David Lira
Susan Mengel
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Yung Ng Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Rachel Rivera Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Dora Rodriguez Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Donna Rogers
Yung Ng
Rachel Rivera
Dora Rodriguez
Donna Rogers
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Patricia Schovanec Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Jeralyn Schwartz Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Sammy Sosa Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Debbie Torrez
Patricia Schovanec
Jeralyn Schwartz
Sammy Sosa
Debbie Torrez
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Richard Verrone
Richard Verrone

Honorees not photographed

Melanee Ables
Salvador Becerra
Michael Betzold
Susan Brumfield
Jessica Carrilo
Charles Dabbert
Modesta Diaz
Jack Floyd
Dale Ganus
Robin Germany
Elizabeth Hernandez
Robin Lock
John Mankowski
Christina Martinez
Helen Miller
Andreas Neuber
Elizabeth Paulk
Nicole Pruitt
Mashaalah Rahnamamoghadam
Robin Rekieta
John Schroder
Stephanie Shine
Alexander Torrez
Waylon Ward
Stephanie White
Isabel Williams

Red dividing line

30 years

Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Kathryn Button Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Wesley Cochran Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Sherry Coffman Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Dale Duhan
Kathryn Button
Wesley Cochran
Sherry Coffman
Dale Duhan
Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Derrick Ginter Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Lloyd Heinze Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Carey Hewett Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Anne Klein
Derrick Ginter
Lloyd Heinze
Carey Hewett
Anne Klein
Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Vicky McKenzie Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient David Roach Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Jeff Sutherland Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Michelle Trice
Vicky McKenzie
David Roach
Jeff Sutherland
Michelle Trice

Honorees not photographed

Lisa Bradley
Ronda Brewer
Lisa Gonzales
Rhenda Green
Stacy Johnson
Haraldur Karlsson
Monte Monroe
DaNay Phelps
Ronald Phillips
Jayne Sappington
Diane Warner

Red dividing line

35 years

Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Michael Giesselmann Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Susan Peterson Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Frank Ramos
Michael Giesselmann
Susan Peterson
Frank Ramos
Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Brad Thornhill Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Mark Webb Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient John Zak
Brad Thornhill
Mark Webb
John Zak

Honorees not photographed

Leslie Thompson

Red dividing line

40 years

Length of Service Awards 40 year recipient Martha Brown Length of Service Awards 40 year recipient John Howe Length of Service Awards 40 year recipient Charles Leatherwood
Martha Brown
John Howe
Charles Leatherwood
Length of Service Awards 40 year recipient Brad Thornhill Length of Service Awards 40 year recipient Mark Webb
Brad Thornhill
Mark Webb

Honorees not photographed

Joseph Aranha
Salvador Martinez
H S. Norville
Kevin Tunnell
Surya Yadav

Red dividing line

50 years

Length of Service Awards 50 year recipient Kenneth Ketner Length of Service Awards 50 year recipient Phillip Marshall
Kenneth Ketner
Phillip Marshall