Texas Tech University

Heading image: 2024 Length of Service Awards Ceremony
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10 years

Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Olga Achourkina Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Rula Al-Hmoud Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Misak Avetisyan Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Ryver Baynqs
Olga Achourkina
Rula Al-Hmoud
Misak Avetisyan
Ryver Baynqs
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Martin Binks Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Kelsey Brunson Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Sara Carrillo Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Katie Cortese
Martin Binks
Kelsey Brunson
Sara Carrillo
Katie Cortese
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Anthony Cozzolino Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Brandon Cruz Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Brittany Curtis Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Jonathan Duncan
Anthony Cozzolino
Brandon Cruz
Brittany Curtis
Jonathan Duncan
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Taylor Fidler Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Nadia Flores Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Sylvia Flores Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Enola French
Taylor Fidler
Nadia Flores
Sylvia Flores
Enola French
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Gerardo Gamez Goytia Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Jessica Gauna Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Todd Germain Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Raynie Gibbs
Gerardo Gamez Goytia
Jessica Gauna
Todd Germain
Raynie Gibb
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Angie Gomez Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Saul Gomez Alfaro Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Zaida Gracia Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Nishchal Gupta
Angie Gomez
Saul Gomez Alfaro
Zaida Gracia
Nishchal Gupta
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Brian Hagan Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Laci Hardman Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Edward Hernandez Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Dinah Hodges
Brian Hagan
Laci Hardman
Edward Hernandez
Dinah Hodges
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Sarah Innis Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Nazifah Islam Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Peter Keyel Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Will Lopez
Sarah Innis
Nazifah Islam
Peter Keyel
Will Lopez
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Carla Lovelace Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Ernest Martinez Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Angela Mazzolini Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Mindy McCall Casillas
Carla Lovelace
Ernest Martinez
Angela Mazzolini
Mindy McCall Casillas
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Amber McCord Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Matthew McEniry Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Cierra Montoya Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Nikki Nordell
Amber McCord
Matthew McEniry
Cierra Montoya
Nikki Nordell
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Avelina Padilla Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Billy Parker Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Sophia Peña Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Catalina Popescu
Avelina Padilla
Billy Parker
Sophia Peña
Catalina Popescu
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Marin Ramos Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Beibei Ren Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Elvia Reyes Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Nancy Rodriguez
Marin Ramos
Beibei Ren
Elvia Reyes
Nancy Rodriguez
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Oscar Rodriguez Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Rosa Rodriguez Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Brad Rogers Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Alex Scoggin
Oscar Rodriguez
Rosa Rodriguez
Brad Rogers
Alex Scoggin
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Shane Scoggin Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Kenneth Serrano Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Marc Silvas Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Gregory Sinetos
Shane Scoggin
Kenneth Serranoz
Marc Silvas
Gregory Sinetos
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Andrew Stetson Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Kayla Tindle Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Heidi Villalba Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Darrick Wade
Andrew Stetson
Kayla Tindle
Heidi Villalba
Darrick Wade
Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Douglas Westfall Length of Service Awards 10 year recipient Jessica Woodard
Douglas Westfall
Jessica Woodard

Honorees not photographed

Aurora Acevedo
Raquel Aguirre
Jessica Alquist
Philip Alvarez
Marissa Arguello
Daehee Bak
Randy Baker
Daniel Ballard
Tim Barrett
Jacob Baum
BJ Beller
Eric Bernard
Andrea Bewley
Tullaya Boonsaeng
Aaron Braver
Sarai Brinker
Lauren Brownell
Mark Bryant
Angela Buck
Ryan Burns
Dave Cantu
Eric Cardella
April Chavez
Chau-Chyun Chen
Dakota Chisum
Tracy Coffman
John Conner
Kirsten Cook
Gionet Cooper
Christopher Corona
Johannes Dahl
Jesse Duran
Heather Eaton
Matthew Ellison
Gerardo Espinoza
Ben Esser
Mark Fisher
Gary Fleischman
Arlene Garcia
Carlos Garcia
Monica Garcia
Matthew Gardner
Sherice Gearhart
Andrew Gibb
Jenny Gilstrap
Kaj Gittings
Julie Gollihugh
Andrea Gonzales
Ryan Gonzales
Melissa Gross
Wenxuan Guo
Ryan Hackenbracht
Nina Ham
Brandon Harper
Breanna Harris
Joni Harrison
Terrance Hastings
Ben Haugland
Patricia Hawley
Rebecca Hays
Miao He
Shelby Hebert
Mark Hendley
Allysan Hernandez
Zachary Hohman
Jared Horsford
Abul Hussain
Ocie Johnson
Lila Jones
Candess Keane
Terry Knight
Shuichi Kunori
Kamal Lamichhane
Cheryl Lara
Charlotte Lee Stockton
Esther Lee
Mike Lemon
Roger Lira
Todd Little
Amelia Littlefield
Andrew Littlefield
Charles Long
Thomas Maccarone
Terah Maher
Alejandra Marin Melo
Kacey Marshall
Jesus Martinez Encina
Justine Martinez
Dermot McCarthy
Tamara McClain
Brandon McCoy
Megan McCrory
Clay McGuire
Bethany McKinney
Roger McNamara
Nicholas Mendez
Jen Miller
Brittany Moore
Amanda Munoz
Rosa Munoz
Reed Nieman
Hilary Nixon
Michael Noel
Bobbi Padgett
Brian Pellam
Kristina Pennell
David Perlmutter
Lionel Plummer
Suhas Pol
Douglas Pool
Rachel Poole
Jeff Porr
Charlie Porter
Benjamin Powell
John Purcell
Maureen Qualia
Eric Quintela
Eric Rasmussen
David Ray
Laura Ray
Luke Reeger
Danny Reible
Paul Reinsch
Selton Rigsby
Stephanie Rincon
James Saenz
Lauryn Salazar
Able Sandoval
Jhones Sarturi
Hoyoung Seo
Akhilesh Shakya
Victoria Shields
Brenda Shupe
Bryan Simpson
Michelle Skalsky-Greenlee
Thomas Slagle
Tyler Snelson
Courtney Snyder
David Spears
Michael Spivey
Steven Stokes
Grant Stovall
Nataliya Sukhina
Chris Summerfield
Alisan Sweet
William Taylor
Brad Thomas
Melissa Thomas
Maria Tristan Martinez
Cristobal Valadez
Jason Van Allen
Veronica Vasquez
Hillary Veeder
Joel Velasco
Jian Wang
Heather Warren-Crow
Seth Warren-Crow
Dana Weiser
Jolinda Westerberg
Erica Williams
Kalli Winters
Richard Woodcock
Benjamin Wylie
Minju Yi
Glenys Young
Joseph Young
Matthew Zerrata

15 years

Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Paul Aguilar Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Amanda Anderson Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Lindsay Anderson Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Autumn Arthur
Paul Aguilar
Amanda Anderson
Lindsay Anderson
Autumn Arthur
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Treasa Austin Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Emily Balke Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Carla Burrus Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Rich Cartwright
Treasa Austin
Emily Balke
Carla Burrus
Rich Cartwright
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Cindy Deanda Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Dustin Delano Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Amy DeLeon Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Dorothy Dent
Cindy Deanda
Dustin Delano
Amy DeLeon
Dorothy Dent
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Daniel East Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Lori Garcia Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Tirhas Hailu Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Mackenzie Hamilton
Daniel East
Lori Garcia
Tirhas Hailu
Mackenzie Hamilton
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Margarita Herrera Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Raegan Higgins Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Era Ibarra Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Brynn Ireland
Margarita Herrera
Raegan Higgins
Era Ibarra
Brynn Ireland
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Christine Jones Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Sung Wook Kwon Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Amy Lewis Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Kat Livingston
Christine Jones
Sung Wook Kwon
Amy Lewis
Kat Livingston
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Dolores Lopez Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Ann Marie Maldonado Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Courtney Meyers Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Mark Morton
Dolores Lopez
Ann Marie Maldonado
Courtney Meyers
Mark Morton
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Ryan Nunnally Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Allan Olivas Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Michael Pekowski Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Joel Perez
Ryan Nunnally
Allan Olivas
Michael Pekowski
Joel Perez
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Robert Sharp Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Jessica Spott Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Chris Taylor Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Rodrick Thomas
Robert Sharp
Jessica Spott
Chris Taylor
Rodrick Thomas
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Jon Thompson Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Lisa Viator Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Stella Villanueva Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient John Villegas
Jon Thompson
Lisa Viator
Stella Villanueva
John Villegas
Length of Service Awards 15 year recipient Ashley Whisenant
Ashley Whisenant

Honorees not photographed

Sherry Alheyari
Sandra Bagwell
Amy Baker 
Guillermo Barajas
Kyle Bell
Debra Boyce
Christopher Browning
Hernan Buritica
Jason Byrer
Byron Campbell
Jongpil Cheon
Hyojung Cho
Theodore Cleveland
Fanni Coward
Robert Cox
Kelly Crager
Mayukh Dass
Jeff Day
Jon  Deen
Robert DeVet
Mark Doss
Christy Fagan
Qing Feng
Dailey Fuller
Juanita Gloria
Kerry Griffis Kyle
Ken Griffith
Blake Grisham
Emily Guy
Jeffrey Hanson
Grace Hernandez
Joshua Hernandez
Callum Hetherington
Luan Hoang
Jill Hoffman
Adrienne Holloway-Carnes
Travis Jaquess
Hongxing Jiang
Bradley Johnson
Michael Johnson
Lana Jones
Christie Key
Neil Knauth
Clemens Krempner
Marta Kvande
Rodney Lackey
Michelle Lane
Kelly Lange
Jeffrey Lastrapes
Hoon Lee
James Lemon
Jing Li
Jingyu Lin
Bing Liu
Guy Loneragan
Matthew Looney
David Luna
Steven Martinez
Shirley Matteson
Greg Mayer
David McClure
Nathan Menendez
Charlotte Miller
David Mondt
Dolores Monreal Hernandez
Terri Morgeson
Kara Newcomb
Sara Norman
Kyla Olson
Jorgelina Orfila
Dawn Payne
Robert Peaslee
Jose Perez
Kerri Pike
DD Pruitt
John Radle
Ralph Riojas
Josh  Robinson
Blanca Rodriguez
Jody Roginson
Arquimedes Ruiz
Maria Saenz
Rick Savage
Robert Sherwin
Michele Thaetig
Francisco Torres Lerma
Fernando Valle
Siva Vanapalli
John Watts
William Webster 
Moon Won
Robert Wood
James Yang
Weiping Zhao

Red dividing line

20 years

Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Neomi Aguirre Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Brian Brand Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Donna Burt Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Melissa Carrillo
Neomi Aguirre
Brian Brand
Donna Burt
Melissa Carrillo
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Michael Carter Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Paul Centilli Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Jennifer Chavira Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Chris Gailey
Michael Carter
Paul Centilli
Jennifer Chavira
Chris Gailey
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Allen Garrett Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Celine Godard Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Isabel Hernandez Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Anna Herring
Allen Garrett
Celine Godard
Isabel Hernandez
Anna Herring
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Meredith Imes Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Candice Laster Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Stacy Martin Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Brenda Martinez
Meredith Imes
Candice Laster
Stacy Martin
Brenda Martinez
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient James McEachin Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Dewey McMurrey Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Carrie Monje Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Vanessa Morin
James McEachin
Dewey McMurrey
Carrie Monje
Vanessa Morin
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Shannon Newsome Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Nicole Piland Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Archie Pitsilides Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Matt Roe
Shannon Newsome
Nicole Piland
Archie Pitsilides
Matt Roe
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Don Roulain Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Kym Ruiz Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Delores Sanchez Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Leon Shturman
Don Roulain
Kym Ruiz
Delores Sanchez
Leon Shturman
Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Janet Veal Length of Service Awards 20 year recipient Rebecca Velez
Janet Veal
Rebecca Velez

Honorees not photographed

Jeannie Barrick
Stephen Bayne
Sylvia Bermea
Christine Blakney
Stefanie Borst
Laura Calkins
Donna Cantu
Sofia Chapman 
Julie Couch
Joseph Dailey
Julie Doss
Lorenzo Esparza
Peter Fischer
Adrianna Fletcher
Deborah Fowler
Wayne Gehegan
Anglea Gibler
Beth Guilliams
Heath Harkins
Amy Heuman
Brian Hirth
Darren Hudson
Glenda Jones
Keith Jones
Lane Kotara
Jo Grant Langston
Jeff Luman
Joseph Martinez
Kristen Medrano
Christopher Monico
Estela Muro
Diane Perez
John Perrin
Zane Perry
John Poirier
Nancy Robinson
Jorge Salazar-Bravo
Elizabeth Sharp
Paul Stafford
Janessa Walls
Vicki Ware
Joachim Weber
Amanda Wheeler
Donnie Yandell
Joseph Yeager
Paula Yeager
Jonathan Young
Zane Young

Red dividing line

25 years

Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Robert Bloodworth Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Shane Blum Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Richard Breshers Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Jaclyn Canas Carrell
Robert Bloodworth
Shane Blum
Richard Breshers
Jaclyn Canas Carrell
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Eduardo Carrasco Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Karen Carrasco Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Riley Carrillo Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Margaret Ceja
Eduardo Carrasco
Karen Carrasco
Riley Carrillo
Margaret Ceja
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Brooks Chriesman Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Stacy Creitz Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Julann Curlee Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Francisco Delgadillo
Brooks Chriesman
Stacy Creitz
Julann Curlee
Francisco Delgadillo
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Rachel Fernandez Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Upe Fleuckiger Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Michael Galyean Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Christina Gonzales
Rachel Fernandez
Upe Fleuckiger
Michael Galyean
Christina Gonzales
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient John Gonzales Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Andrew Jackson Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Sheri Lewis Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Scott Luker
John Gonzales
Andrew Jackson
Sheri Lewis
Scott Luker
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient John Masselli Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Jared McCauley Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Lori Minner Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Christopher Patterson
John Masselli
Jared McCauley
Lori Minner
Christopher Patterson
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Cory Powell Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Veronica Rangel Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Cecilia Rivera Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Trish Salinas
Cory Powell
Veronica Rangel
Cecilia Rivera
Trish Salinas
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Kaz Surowiec Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Jake Syma Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Denise Tijerina Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Jesse Trevino
Kaz Surowiec
Jake Syma
Denise Tijerina
Jesse Trevino
Length of Service Awards 25 year recipient Christopher Turner
Christopher Turner

Honorees not photographed

Scott Baugh
John Brock
David Dees
Robert Dykes
Dirk Fowler 
Sheila Garos
Frank Gonzales
Jason Gray
Orlando Guajardo
Pamela Halsey
Todd Hardin
Patti Harper
Leslie Hartline
Paige Holland
Randy Lacy
Jeff  Livingston
Crista McCune
Jeffrey Mosher
Miriam Mulsow
Moira Ridley
Isidro Rodriguez
James Rose
Lisa Simmons
Mike Simmons
Joe Stahmer
Robert Tidwell

Red dividing line

30 years

Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Rosemary Castillo Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Peter Dotray Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Mary Evans Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Julie Farley
Rosemary Castillo
Peter Dotray
Mary Evans
Julie Farley
Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Benita Franco Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Mike Gonzalez Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Nora Griffin Shirley Length of Service Awards 30 year recipient Collin Smith
Benita Franco
Mike Gonzalez
Nora Griffin Shirley
Collin Smith

Honorees not photographed

Deborah Carr
Julie Isom
Darryl James
Sukant Misra
Sonia Moore
Jill Patterson
Chris Robitschek
Kirk Rodriguez
Daniel Sanchez
Leslie Smith
Heath Steele
Cristy Vinson
Ruwanthi Wettasinghe
Lynn Whitfield
Mike Wilson

Red dividing line

35 years

Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Carlos Casarez Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Kaylyn Dowdy Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Kyle Evans Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Sam Jackson
Carlos Casarez
Kaylyn Dowdy
Kyle Evans
Sam Jackson
Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Alicia Knight Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Becky Martinez Length of Service Awards 35 year recipient Jahan Rasty
Alicia Knight
Becky Martinez
Jahan Rasty

Honorees not photographed

Bill Brown
Robly Glover
Donna Jones
Aman Khan
Jeff Lee
Pat McConnel
Markus Miller
Siva Parameswaran
Brian Shannon
Bruce Tharp
Maria Valdez
Teresa Woodruff

Red dividing line

40 years

Honorees not photographed

William Casto
Howard Curzer

Red dividing line

50 years

Length of Service Awards 45 year recipient Jim Burns
Jim Burns

Red dividing line

55 years

Honorees not photographed

Jerome Schuetzeberg

Red dividing line

60 years

Honorees not photographed

Arfin Lodhi