Human Development and Family Sciences
Child Development and Relationships Laboratory
Dr. Oh's research group integrates biosocial characteristics of individual children, parents and parent-child dyads in identifying adaptive and maladaptive developmental pathways across the transitions in the school and family environments. In particular, Dr. Oh and her student research interns investigate developmental change patterns of social behavior, regulatory functioning, and relationship processes (peer and family) using innovative advanced methodology. Dr.Oh's group has been interested in applications of their research for well-timed and targeted intervention efforts that can interrupt dysfunctional cascade effects and promote positive adjustment over time.
Director: Dr. Wonjung Oh
Assistant Professor
Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
College of Human Sciences
Texas Tech University
Child Development and Relationships Lab
Human Development and Family Sciences
Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41230, Lubbock, TX 79409-1230 -
806.742.3000 -