2017 Korean Nutrition Society Award recipient Nikhil DhurandharJun 2, 2017 Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar awarded the KNS award for excellence in nutrition researchtags: HS Faculty, Ns
RHIM Students Excel in Google Online Marketing ChallengeJun 1, 2017 Dr. Catherine Jai's students learn what it takes to get real-world results using Google AdWords.tags: Rhim, HS Undergraduate
2017 Length of Service AwardsJun 1, 2017 The 2017 Length of Service Awards were presented to The College of Human Sciences' employees on April 20.tags: HS Faculty
In Memoriam of Virginia "Ginny" FelstehausenJun 1, 2017 Dr. Ginny served as a member of the Family and Consumer Sciences Education faculty for 23 years before her retirement in 2007.tags: Family Consumer Sciences Education