Texas Tech University

SACS Application Instructions

Eligibility Criteria

  • GPA
    • 2.7 for undergraduate students
    • 3.0 for graduate students
    • 2.0 for Law students
  • Enrolled as a full-time Texas Tech University student.
    • Students studying at another University are not eligible to apply. This includes other institutions within the Texas Tech University system, like the Health Sciences Center, Angelo State University, etc.
  • Participating in a credit-bearing TTU Study Abroad program outside of the U.S.
    • Graduate students serving as a TA or RA or in some other compensated capacity on a TTU approved study abroad program cannot be considered for a SAC Scholarship. A graduate student not receiving funds from a paid position on a TTU approved study abroad program is eligible for the SAC Scholarship.
  • Students are not eligible for the SACS until they have a Texas Tech GPA. Therefore, students in their first semester at Texas Tech are not eligible. 


  • Only complete applications that are submitted by the deadline will be accepted and reviewed by the awards committee. Please see application deadlines.

Submitting Unofficial Transcripts

  • Upload one UNOFFICIAL Texas Tech University transcript directly to your application. The item should be uploaded as a PNG, JPEG, or PDF.
  • NO PHYSICAL COPIES ACCEPTED. Transcripts must be uploaded to your application, the study abroad staff will no longer upload transcripts that are mailed, dropped off, or emailed to the Study Abroad office.  
  • 2- 3 Business Days minimum will need to be allowed for staff to review and mark your trannscript requirement as complete.


Requesting Recommendations Using the Electronic Recommender Form

  • At least one of your recommendations must be completed by a member of TTU faculty (to include full professors, assistant professors, associate professors, graduate part-time instructors, and other instructors of record). Recommendations completed by faculty/staff from a different institution will be accepted if and only if the applicant is a transfer student or a new (first-semester) graduate student.
  • While both recommendations may be completed by two TTU faculty members, one of the recommendation letters may be completed by an appropriate recommender. Examples of appropriate recommenders include: non-TTU faculty, research advisers, student organization advisers, internship and/or work supervisors, and military supervisors. 
  • NOTE: The following people will be considered inappropriate recommenders: family and relatives; family friends; friends and peers; coworkers; classmates; fellow graduate students; neighbors; significant others; coaches; elementary and middle school teachers; high school teachers (unless the applicant is a first-year student); tutors; lawyers; and pastors and/or politicians (unless the applicant has worked with them directly). Inappropriate recommendations will receive a score of 0 on this part of the application.
  • Recommendations must be submitted to the online application by 5 p.m. on the deadline date. If two recommendations are not received by 5 p.m. on the deadline date, then your entire application will be considered incomplete. Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the SACS Awards Committee for consideration.

Paper recommendations and letters of recommendation will not be accepted. All recommendations must be submitting using the electronic recommender form.