Cost of Studying Abroad
There is no magic number that accurately captures the cost of studying abroad because it varies greatly depending on multiple variables. The image below depicts a few of those variables including program type, location, and duration of the study abroad program. Not pictured but of equal influence are whether a study abroad student completes scholarship applications as well as their individual spending habits before, during, and after the study abroad program.
Weighing the Costs and Benefits
Affiliate programs cost more because they offer additional student support services not always guaranteed by other program types; however, some affiliate programs counter this cost increase by making their own scholarships or grants available to TTU student participants. Exchange programs require TTU students to pay the same tuition fees that they would normally pay for a regular term at TTU; therefore, the biggest difference in the price of an exchange program abroad and the price of the same term at TTU is the cost of living difference between Lubbock and the program location.
Shorter programs cost less, but semester and year-long programs can provide more value. Students can earn more academic credits in a semester, so a long-term program should cost more! It often helps to break down a programs cost by week rather than looking at the total. Understanding the average cost per week may help you better understand the value of a program while you also consider the return on investment that may come from spending more time in-country.
Europe, UK, and Australia are typically more expensive locations whereas some non-traditional
study abroad destinations are more affordable. Additionally, students who study in
less traditional locations are usually looked upon more favorably by scholarships,
just like the students who study abroad for a full semester or year.
The truth is that tuition and fees of certain study abroad programs cost less than or the same as Texas Tech tuition and fees. Conversely, some study abroad programs cost more than the cost of attendance at TTU for an entire academic year (approximately $28,525 for academic year 2024-2025 for undergraduate Texas residents and Bordering Counties of NM/OK). For this reason, it is imperative that students discuss study abroad program options with the TTU Study Abroad team and are transparent about existing financial restraints. An early discussion about a students plan for funding their study abroad experience allows advisors to help students connect with a variety of financial resources and choose a program that makes sense for their budget.
Texas Tech recognizes that not all students who want to study abroad are financially able to do so; however, this is often because students are unwilling to consider more affordable program options and/or do not give themselves enough time to apply for financial aid, loans, and multiple scholarships.
Funding is available, but students have to find it and plan far enough in advance to meet application deadlines. Study Abroad staff are committed to supporting students by helping them to access academically relevant and affordable international education experiences that take their degrees to the next level.
Study Abroad
601 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3667 -