Brian Still, Ph.D.

Brian Still, Ph.D., professor of technical communication, is vice provost for TTU Online. He served a stint as interim dean for the College of Arts & Sciences.
Still, who earned his doctorate from the University of South Dakota, previously worked in government and industry as a web and software developer, and taught at the University of Minnesota, before joining Texas Tech as a faculty member in 2002. He earned a bachelor's degree from William Jewell College in Missouri.
From 2017-2021 he served as chair of the Department of English. In addition to authoring publications on topics including product usability, complex user systems, and user-centered design, he is named on three issued U.S. and international patents. He has also graduated 20 doctoral students and mentored others as former director of the User Experience (UX) Research Lab (URL).
Taking advantage of technology that he developed in the URL in 2010, Still and his research team created an affordable eye tracking research system, commercializing it in 2011. He then founded a company, EyeGuide, around that technology, eventually innovating two other products—EyeGuide Mobile Tracker and EyeGuide Assist—that, among other things, allowed people with little to no use of their hands the ability to control a computer mouse with their eyes. Of late, EyeGuide has created Focus, a hardware and software platform intended for use in the field, that administers a seamless 10-second test to detect potential neurological impairment.
EyeGuide Focus has been featured by CNN and was a finalist for the NFL's 1st and Future event hosted at Super Bowl LII in 2018. The technology is currently being used by major organizations and clients across the U.S. and internationally, including professional sports teams, healthcare systems and academic institutions.
Still was honored with the Texas Tech University President's Award for Technology
Commercialization in 2015 and the Emily K. Schlesinger Award from the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2009.
Curriculum Vitae
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