Texas Tech University

Tenure Advisory Committee


The Tenure Advisory Committee may consider matters pertaining to tenure or academic freedom referred to it by members of the
university community.


Faculty members will be elected at large by the voting faculty for staggered terms of five years with one membership position terminating August 31 of each year. No more than two faculty members elected from one college or school shall serve on the committee at the same time.

Operating Procedures:

The committee shall determine its own rules of procedure. The committee reports to the president.


The committee will elect its chairperson annually from the committee members.


The Tenure Advisory Committee shall consist of five full-time tenured faculty, none of whom has served in any administrative post at or above the level of chair of a department during the preceding five years, and two ex-officio, non-voting members who are the PSVP (or a designate appointed by the PSVP) and a dean selected by the Provost's Council. The faculty members will be elected at large by the voting faculty (with nominations solicited and voting tallied by the Faculty Senate) for staggered terms of five years, with one membership position terminating August 31 of each year. No more than two faculty members elected from any college or school shall serve on the committee at the same time. No elected faculty member will be eligible for re-election to the committee until a period of one year has elapsed from the termination date of a prior term unless he or she was elected to serve less than two years of an unexpired term of a previous member. The dean member shall serve for three years but shall not be eligible to serve consecutive terms. OP 32.02 Adopted by the TTUS Board of Regents May 18, 2012

Name   College/Department Term Began Term Ends
Barenberg, Alan   College of Arts and Sciences 2021 2026
Blum, Shane   College of Human Sciences 2023 2025
Rogers, Lisa   College of Visual and Performing Arts 2018 2023
Romi, Andrea   Rawls College of Business 2023 2026
Weiner, Rob   Library 2018 2023
Perlmutter, David    Dean Ex-officio  
Durham DeCesaro, Genevieve   Office of the Provost Ex-officio  

Office of the Provost