TTU/TTUHSC Inter-institutional Degree Proposal
Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center follow a standardized agreement applicable to all new, TTU/TTUHSC dual degree programs approved on or after September 1, 2017. Before proposing a new inter-institutional dual degree program, please download the Memorandum of Understanding (link available below) and review the stipulations that govern new dual degree programs, including student financial aid, student coding, program withdrawal, and faculty privileges. Please direct any questions about the content of the Memorandum of Understanding to Vice Provost for Administrative Affairs Dr. Cindy Akers.
After you have reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding, please use the provided Articulation Agreement Template to propose your academic dual degree. Once your Articulation Agreement is complete, please submit your proposal via Curriculog using process 5.3. In order to use Curriculog, you need to attend the Curriculog Course and Program Proposal Training course. Using the Curriculog software for adding, updating, or deleting courses or programs within the TTU inventory will be covered. Please go here to sign up for your training.
104 Administration Building, Box 42019, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2019 -
806.742.2184 -