Texas Tech University

Water Feature Addition at PSS Greenhouse Complex


The addition of water to the garden can easily be underestimated. When water features are incorporated into a garden setting the dynamics change. Suddenly, there is action, motion and life.

Not only do you visually appreciate the rush of water over surface with sunlight splashing and playing with the shadows. The sound of water so relaxing lulls the garden into another dimension. Suddenly the traffic subsides, the sirens dull. The noise of the city diminishes into a gurgling bubbling playground of sound. Adding water to the garden adds life to the garden as well. The birds, insects and visiting mammals stop to take a drink or bathe in the coolness afforded on a warm afternoon.

Always short on funding…we were looking for an inexpensive way to build a large feature. These wheelbarrows were in desperate disrepair and ready for retirement. We positioned the wheelbarrows so water could flow from a recirculating pump. As funding is available we will plant the two oval water troughs and add a bio filter. Please watch for updates.

Images and text Courtesy of Russ Plowman


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