Texas Tech University

PSS Forms & Procedures


General Forms

Faculty & Staff Forms

Advising Forms

Graduate Student Forms

Undergraduate Student Forms

Internship Forms

Scholarship Applications


Departmental Procedures


Travel request forms must be submitted to Donna Cantu:

  • Two weeks prior for domestic travel.
  • 30 days prior for international travel.

How to Travel


Procurement Card Purchases:

  • Some items are not allowed on p-cards.
  • Other items must be only purchased through mandatory contracts.

TTU/TTUS Procurement Card, Prohibited Transactions, Mandatory Contracts and Policy Violations

Procurement Card Receipts:

Procurement Card Receipts must be submitted along with a completed PSS P-card Form for each receipt on a weekly basis to Donna Cantu or her mailbox.

Techbuy Purchases:

When you receive any packages that you have ordered through Tech Buy:

  • On the packing slip, please circle the items that you have received and make any notes on the items that were not received.
  • Return the completed packing slip to Donna Cantu in the PSS main office (BPS122E) or her mailbox.

Trainings & Work Safety

Everyone is required to complete Lab Safety and Safety Awareness Training prior to starting work.

Sign up for training:

Visit the TTU EHS Safety Training webpage and click on "Request Training" on the right hand side. Select the trainings required by your supervisor. You will receive email instruction on how to complete the training you request.

TTU EHS Safety Training Webpage

Once you have completed a training, download the PDF certificate and and email the electronic copy to our Lead Administrator, Ericca Soto.

Room Reservations

To check availability of the conference room (BPS 122F) or the teaching lab (BPS 118), contact one of our front office staff.

For BPS 108 and 109, check room availability and make reservations online. Once on the Ad Astra scheduling site, you can select Calendars > Scheduling Grids and narrow your search down to the room(s) you're looking for. 108 and 109 are located in Bayer Plant Science (South Building). If you have an idea of when/where you would like to reserve, go to Request Event.

For after-hours room reservations, you will need to stop by the front office (BPS 122) after making your online reservation in order to sign a permission form and check out the room key.

Room Reservation Website

Building and Key Access

For questions regarding building keys and eRaider ID card access, contact our Business Coordinator, Donna Cantu.

Department Driver Requests

For questions regarding driver requests, contact our Business Coordinator, Donna Cantu.

Building Maintenance & Construction Workorders

For routine repairs or building maintenance needs, contact our Lead Administrator, Ericca Soto.

For emergencies such as water leaks, safety hazards, etc., call BMC directly: (806) 742-4677.

Student Programs & Enrollment Services

For questions regarding most PSS academic needs, contact our Lead Academic Advisor, Diann Merriman.

For questions regarding undergraduate student advising, contact Dr. Alicia Thomas.