Texas Tech University

PSS Curriculum Procedures


To create a new course, make changes to an existing course (title, course number, credit hours, etc.), or to remove a course from the curriculum, certain procedures must be followed. If these steps are followed, evaluation of a new course, changes made to an existing course, or the removal of a course from the PSS curriculum can take place in a prompt manner. If procedures are not followed, delays will occur as changes must go through multiple reviews.

To hasten the review process, please use the links below as you develop a course or make changes to an existing course. If you have questions during this process, please feel free to visit with myself (thayne.montague@ttu.edu) or the Dean's office (742-2808).

Thayne Montague
PSS Curriculum Committee Chair


Forms & Procedures

Steps for Submitting Course Approval Forms

TTU Course Approval Information

Syllabus Template

All PSS Forms