Texas Tech University

Viticulture & Enology | Undergraduate Degrees

TTU Viticulture and Enology Undergraduate Degrees


Texas Tech offers a Bachelor of Science in Plant and Soil Science with a concentration in Viticulture and Enology. The Viticulture and Enology curriculum provides a comprehensive education in the principles and practices of commercial grape and wine production.

Seven courses comprise the required viticulture and enology core, and elective courses offer additional learning opportunities in wine marketing, wine tourism, sustainable production methods, and more. Additionally, a professional internship is required, and PSS faculty assist with arrangements among our extensive connections in the wine industry. Numerous scholarships are available specifically for students pursuing the Viticulture and Enology degree concentration. Students can pursue this degree on the TTU campus in Lubbock or at the TTU regional teaching site in Fredericksburg.


Viticulture & Enology Concentration Courses

Concentration Required Courses (26 hours)

PSS 1311 The Science of Wine

Introduction to the history of winemaking and application of biology, chemistry, and technology to modern grape and wine production.

PSS 2114 Wine Production Lab

An overview of wine production technical laboratory aspects with an emphasis on pre-fermentation processes, options and strategies, and fermentation management.

PSS 2314 Wine Production

An overview of wine production technical aspects with an emphasis on pre-fermentation processes, options and strategies, and fermentation management.

PSS 3310 Viticulture I

Principles of Viticulture. Introduction to grapevine history, biology, physiology, and principles and practices of vineyard management.

PSS 4000 Internship

A supervised study course providing in-service training and practice in a commercial vineyard or winery.

PSS 4310 Viticulture II

Grape Production. Advanced studies of grape production and management practices in commercial vineyards.

PSS 4311 Wines of the World

Introduction to wines of the world through learning materials and sensory evaluation of regional wines. The content and the exam for Wine and Spirits Educational Trust (WSET) Level 1 Award in Wine is a required component of this course.

PSS 4416 Winemaking Quality Control and Analysis

Quality control and analytical equipment and methods utilized in winemaking.

Concentration Elective Courses (13 hours)

RHIM 4340 Wine Marketing

Analyzes the concepts of marketing as related to the wine industry. Students will develop a marketing plan for a winery.

RHIM 4350 Wine Tourism

Examines the business of wine with specific focus on wine tourism. Addresses global tourism and local economic impact of the wine industry.

PSS 2316 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

Introduction to the principles of sustainable production of horticultural crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Integration of ecological, genetic, and social/cultural elements involved in sustainable production is emphasized.

PSS 3312 Sustainable Fruit and Nut Crop Production

Introduction to the principles and practices of sustainable production of temperate tree fruits, berry crops, and nuts. Production systems suited to small acreage and urban agriculture will be emphasized.

PSS 4305 Integrated Pest Management

The principles and practices of integration of all available control strategies in the management of arthropod pest populations.

PSS 4323 Organic Crop Production Systems

Principles and practices of organic farming systems including management of inputs and technology for different ecosystems that promotes local food security, environment and economic growth.

PSS 4325 Crop Water Management

Evaluation of the primary irrigation systems used in crop production, soil-plant interactions affecting water supply, and methods of monitoring soil and plant water status.

PSS 4335 Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

Nutrient availability as influenced by soil properties, modern methods of nutrient management, and tools for maximizing nutrient use efficiency.


Viticulture & Enology Undergraduate Scholarships

  • Hoss Newsom Scholarship
  • San Antonio Livestock Exposition Viticulture and Enology Scholarship
  • High Plains Wine and Food Foundation
  • Melanie Holloway Viticulture and Enology Scholarship  (Fredericksburg students only)
  • Texas Center for Wine and Culinary Arts Scholarship  (Fredericksburg students only)



We would love to hear from you! Contact Diann Merriman — Lead Academic Advisor for the Department of Plant and Soil Science — at diann.merriman@ttu.edu or (806) 834-7044.

You can also learn more about our Viticulture and Enology faculty members here:

V&E Faculty