Every year, the U.S. Farm Report – a source of agriculture industry news – hosts a televised College Roadshow series that travels to agricultural schools across the nation. This past week, the show visited Texas Tech University. Among the stories highlighted on the show is research by Noureddine Abidi, Plant and Soil Science Leidigh Professor and Fiber & Biopolymer Research Institute (FBRI) managing director.
Abidi's research focuses on the conversion of low-grade cotton fibers into cellulose and forming biodegradable, plant-based plastics. The work shows significant promise for diversifying the market for cotton, using industrial byproducts, and contributing to the development of alternatives to conventional plastics.
The segment highlighting Abidi's work with cotton cellulose begins at the 20:42 minute mark.
View the report directly on the U.S. Farm Report site.
For a summary of the College Roadshow's development and the other College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources personnel highlighted in the episode, see the full story from Texas Tech Today.